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The main directions of scientific research are electrocatalytic reactions involving transition metal complexes. Development of new single-stage methods of catalytic cross-combination, perfluoroalkylation, and halogenation of various substrates (unsaturated, white phosphorus, aryl halides, including heteroaromatic halides). Electrocatalytic activation of small molecules (hydrogen, white phosphorus) and others in the coordination sphere of nickel complexes with P,N-cyclic ligands. Electrochemistry of transition metal complexes, primarily nickel, cobalt, palladium and others with non-amino and other ligands. The study of the relationship between the structure of the complex and its redox and catalytic properties. Development of the physical and chemical foundations of new nanoscale electrocatalysts to increase the power of hydrogen fuel cells. Electrosynthesis based on elemental phosphorus as a basis for the creation of new substances, materials and environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies. The advantages of this approach result from activation due to electron transfer at room temperature, as a result, complex processes can be carried out under mild conditions. The oxidation and reduction of substances is carried out on an electrode without chemical reagents and are environmentally friendly ("green chemistry"). Nanoelectrochemistry, namely, the development of methods for the electrosynthesis of nanoscale catalysts with simultaneous identification of intermediates (sigma metal complexes) for organic synthesis, including for the long-term purpose of obtaining biologically active compounds and medicines, as well as the creation of fuel cells with a reduced content of expensive platinum in their base. Investigation of redox-switchable nanoscale molecular devices based on macrocyclic compounds containing electrochemically active structural blocks.

  1. NMR spectroscopy
  2. IR spectroscopy
  3. UV spectroscopy
  4. EPR spectroscopy
  5. Voltammetry
  6. Electrosynthesis
Yulia Budnikova
Head of Laboratory

Research directions

Electrochemical tools for the selective functionalization of the carbon-hydrogen bond as the basis for new catalytic approaches and processes corresponding to the concept of "green chemistry"

Electrochemical tools for the selective functionalization of the carbon-hydrogen bond as the basis for new catalytic approaches and processes corresponding to the concept of
Development of an effective strategy for the directed synthesis of practically significant chemical compounds based on direct activation and subsequent functionalization of the C(sp2)-H bond of aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds (with the formation of new C-P, C-N, C-C bonds) under mild electrocatalytic conditions, by establishing key intermediates and their properties, mechanisms of catalytic reactions, their regularities by a complex of modern methods, including electrochemistry and EPR methods. The strategy being developed is based on controlling the selectivity of the transformation by the electrolysis potential, which ensures the oxidation of a specific participant in the process (either a metal, a ligand, a metallocycle with an M-C bond, or a combination partner) lying on the reaction path and determining the effectiveness of the entire catalytic cycle as a whole. It is supposed to solve the problem of involving difficult-to-react or previously unexplored partners in the target combination. An important problem and complexity of such metal-catalyzed C-H transformations in classical organic chemistry is a strong dependence on reaction conditions (choice of oxidant, ligands and combination partners), unproven mechanisms, unpredictable ligand-metal cooperation with possible ligand- and/or metal-centered electron transfers, often undesirable generation of substrate-ligand cation radicals Electrochemical methods, as planned, should make it possible to accurately assess the redox activity of each precursor and key identified intermediate of the catalytic cycle, to understand how the oxidative potential of participants in a multielectronic catalytic process changes and how selectivity can be controlled by changing this potential or adding the necessary reagents. Special attention is paid to the establishment of the structure and reactivity of metallocyclic intermediates (transition metal: Co, Cu, Pd, etc.) in ligand-directed C-H functionalization, factors stabilizing or contributing to their formation and, conversely, favoring reductive elimination. Various guiding groups are analyzed as an effective tool for the functionalization of the C –H bond, metallocyclic complexes (primarily Co, Pd, etc.) are synthesized on their basis and their reactivity and catalytic and redox activity, and, most importantly, the factors determining them, are established.

Publications and patents

Сергей Анатольевич Краснов, Юлия Германовна Будникова
RU2524266, 2014
Александр Романович Бурилов (RU), Александр Романович Бурилов, Юлия Германовна Будникова (RU), Юлия Германовна Будникова, Эльмира Мингалеевна Гибадуллина (RU), Эльмира Мингалеевна Гибадуллина, Юлия Масхутовна Садыкова (RU), Юлия Масхутовна Садыкова, Тимур Рашитович Шаехов (RU), Тимур Рашитович Шаехов, Михаил Аркадьевич Пудовик (RU), Михаил Аркадьевич Пудовик, Олег Герольдович Синяшин (RU), Олег Герольдович Синяшин
RU2461532C1, 2012
Юлия Германовна Будникова (RU), Юлия Германовна Будникова, Александр Романович Бурилов (RU), Александр Романович Бурилов, Олег Герольдович Синяшин (RU), Олег Герольдович Синяшин
RU2400456, 2010
Юлия Германовна Будникова, Сергей Анатольевич Краснов, Ильдар Мухтарович Магдеев, Олег Герольдович Синяшин
RU78188, 2008
Марсил Кахирович Кадиров, Юлия Германовна Будникова, Олег Герольдович Синяшин
RU67266, 2007
Юли Германовна Будникова (RU), Юлия Германовна Будникова, Ильдар Мухтарович Магдеев (RU), Ильдар Мухтарович Магдеев, Владимир Савич Резник (RU), Владимир Савич Резник, шин Олег Герольдович Син (RU), Олег Герольдович Синяшин, Дамир Ильдарович Тазеев (RU), Дамир Ильдарович Тазеев, Ильгизар Ал лтдинович Якушев (RU), Ильгизар Алялтдинович Якушев, Рафинат Саматович Яруллин (RU), Рафинат Саматович Яруллин
RU2288908, 2006
Ю.Г. Будникова, шин О.Г. Син, О.Г. Синяшин, Д.Г. Яхваров
RU2221805, 2004
Ю.Г. Будникова, Ю.М. Каргин, О.Г. Синяшин, А.С. Ромахин
RU2199545, 2003


Lab address

Казань, Сибирский тракт, 10/7
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