Head of Laboratory

Gulyaeva, Natalia V

2 777
Authorization required.

Investigation of functional and biochemical mechanisms of brain plasticity. The role of apoptotic mechanisms in the functioning of cells of the nervous system in normal and pathological conditions. The role of nitric oxide and its synthesis systems in the brain is normal and pathological. The study of the functional and biochemical mechanisms of GNI pathologies and the development of pathogenetically directed ways to correct them. Investigation of the role of exosomes in the development of diseases of the nervous system.

  1. Western blot
  2. Investigation of the size distribution of micro- and nanoparticles
  3. Methods for assessing research activity, reactivity to stimuli of different modalities, emotional behavior and resistance to stress factors.
  4. Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Gulyaeva, Natalia V
Natalia Gulyaeva
Head of Laboratory
Stanislav Gruzdev 🤝
Junior researcher

Research directions

Exosomes in the pathology of the nervous system

To study the contribution of exosomes to the development of various diseases of the central nervous system and the potential of their use for diagnosis and treatment.

Publications and patents

 | Яковлев Александр Александрович

Lab address

Москва, ул. Бутлерова, д.5а
Authorization required.