Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
1986-2024 (39 years)
Metrics description
A scientist has an h-index if h of his N publications are cited at least h times each, while the remaining (N - h) publications are cited no more than h times each.
The number of the author's publications that received at least 10 links each.
The researcher's m-index is numerically equal to the ratio of his h-index to the number of years that have passed since the first publication.
The geometric mean of the h-index and the number of citations of the most cited article of the scientist.
For a given set of articles, sorted in descending order of the number of citations that these articles received, the g-index is the largest number such that the g most cited articles received (in total) at least g2 citations.
If w articles of a researcher have at least 10w citations each and other publications are less than 10(w+1) citations, then the researcher's w-index is equal to w.
Fields of science
Citing journals
Optica Publishing Group
16 publications, 17.58%
Pleiades Publishing
13 publications, 14.29%
SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng
13 publications, 14.29%
10 publications, 10.99%
IOP Publishing
7 publications, 7.69%
5 publications, 5.49%
5 publications, 5.49%
Springer Nature
3 publications, 3.3%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
3 publications, 3.3%
AIP Publishing
3 publications, 3.3%
EDP Sciences
1 publication, 1.1%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
1 publication, 1.1%
Hindawi Limited
1 publication, 1.1%
Avestia Publishing
1 publication, 1.1%
Organizations from articles
Countries from articles
Russia, 75, 82.42%
75 publications, 82.42%
Germany, 29, 31.87%
29 publications, 31.87%
Country not defined
Country not defined, 10, 10.99%
Country not defined
10 publications, 10.99%
Spain, 10, 10.99%
10 publications, 10.99%
France, 6, 6.59%
6 publications, 6.59%
China, 5, 5.49%
5 publications, 5.49%
Hungary, 3, 3.3%
3 publications, 3.3%
Egypt, 3, 3.3%
3 publications, 3.3%
USA, 2, 2.2%
2 publications, 2.2%
Ukraine, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Belarus, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Estonia, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Brazil, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
India, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Ireland, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Latvia, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 1, 1.1%
Republic of Korea
1 publication, 1.1%
Finland, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Czech Republic
Czech Republic, 1, 1.1%
Czech Republic
1 publication, 1.1%
USSR, 1, 1.1%
1 publication, 1.1%
Citing organizations
ITMO University
82 citations, 14.36%
Organization not defined
Organization not defined, 76, 13.31%
Organization not defined
76 citations, 13.31%
Shandong University
29 citations, 5.08%
University of Salamanca
15 citations, 2.63%
University of Rovira i Virgili
14 citations, 2.45%
Belarusian State University
13 citations, 2.28%
Harbin Institute of Technology
12 citations, 2.1%
Civil Aviation University of China
12 citations, 2.1%
Nankai University
9 citations, 1.58%
Tianjin University of Technology
9 citations, 1.58%
Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy
9 citations, 1.58%
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 citations, 1.4%
Saint Petersburg State University
7 citations, 1.23%
Vavilov State Optical Institute
7 citations, 1.23%
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
7 citations, 1.23%
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
6 citations, 1.05%
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
6 citations, 1.05%
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
5 citations, 0.88%
G. A. Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.7%
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
4 citations, 0.7%
Belarusian National Technical University
4 citations, 0.7%
Koc University
4 citations, 0.7%
Jilin University
4 citations, 0.7%
Fujian Normal University
4 citations, 0.7%
Shenzhen University
4 citations, 0.7%
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research
4 citations, 0.7%
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
4 citations, 0.7%
Hamburg University
4 citations, 0.7%
Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.7%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
4 citations, 0.7%
University of Tartu
4 citations, 0.7%
University College Dublin
4 citations, 0.7%
I. V. Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
3 citations, 0.53%
Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography
3 citations, 0.53%
Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.53%
Tsinghua University
3 citations, 0.53%
Technical University of Munich
3 citations, 0.53%
Jiangsu Normal University
3 citations, 0.53%
Qufu Normal University
3 citations, 0.53%
University of Arizona
3 citations, 0.53%
University of Debrecen
3 citations, 0.53%
University of Tokyo
3 citations, 0.53%
Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.53%
Mansoura University
3 citations, 0.53%
![]() Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
Photochemistry Center
2 citations, 0.35%
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
South Ural State University
2 citations, 0.35%
St Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
Irkutsk State University
2 citations, 0.35%
B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2 citations, 0.35%
A. P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.35%
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies
2 citations, 0.35%
Beijing Institute of Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Zhejiang University
2 citations, 0.35%
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Antalya Bilim University
2 citations, 0.35%
Wuhan University
2 citations, 0.35%
Technische Universität Dresden
2 citations, 0.35%
Imperial College London
2 citations, 0.35%
Shandong Normal University
2 citations, 0.35%
Shanxi University
2 citations, 0.35%
University of Southampton
2 citations, 0.35%
National Central University
2 citations, 0.35%
Yuan Ze University
2 citations, 0.35%
University of Sydney
2 citations, 0.35%
Harbin University
2 citations, 0.35%
Technical University of Dortmund
2 citations, 0.35%
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
National Institute of Standards and Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Vienna University of Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
2 citations, 0.35%
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2 citations, 0.35%
National Autonomous University of Mexico
2 citations, 0.35%
RWTH Aachen University
2 citations, 0.35%
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2 citations, 0.35%
Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
2 citations, 0.35%
Clausthal University of Technology
2 citations, 0.35%
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
2 citations, 0.35%
University of Alabama at Birmingham
2 citations, 0.35%
Portland State University
2 citations, 0.35%
N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
1 citation, 0.18%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
1 citation, 0.18%
Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Institute of Solid State Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Kurchatov Complex of Crystallography and Photonics of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»
1 citation, 0.18%
Institute for Automation and Control Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Ural Federal University
1 citation, 0.18%
Far Eastern Federal University
1 citation, 0.18%
Tomsk State University
1 citation, 0.18%
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.18%
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
1 citation, 0.18%
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
L. M. Litvinenko Institute of physical organic and coal chemistry
1 citation, 0.18%
D.I. Mendeleyev All-Russian Institute for Metrology
1 citation, 0.18%
Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Scientific and Practical Center for Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1 citation, 0.18%
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
1 citation, 0.18%
Bilkent University
1 citation, 0.18%
Istanbul Technical University
1 citation, 0.18%
Khalifa University
1 citation, 0.18%
Pasteur Institute of Iran
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Delhi
1 citation, 0.18%
Zanjan University of Medical Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
COMSATS University Islamabad
1 citation, 0.18%
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
1 citation, 0.18%
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
1 citation, 0.18%
Banaras Hindu University
1 citation, 0.18%
Alagappa University
1 citation, 0.18%
Delhi Technological University
1 citation, 0.18%
National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
1 citation, 0.18%
Semnan University of Medical Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Islamic Azad University, Damghan Branch
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Peking University
1 citation, 0.18%
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
1 citation, 0.18%
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1 citation, 0.18%
South China University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Sichuan University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
1 citation, 0.18%
Harbin Engineering University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Malaya
1 citation, 0.18%
International Islamic University Malaysia
1 citation, 0.18%
Uppsala University
1 citation, 0.18%
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
1 citation, 0.18%
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Bayreuth
1 citation, 0.18%
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1 citation, 0.18%
Beijing Jiaotong University
1 citation, 0.18%
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
1 citation, 0.18%
Wuhan University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Paul Scherrer Institute
1 citation, 0.18%
Xiamen University
1 citation, 0.18%
Taiyuan University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Dalian Maritime University
1 citation, 0.18%
Harbin University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Nanyang Technological University
1 citation, 0.18%
Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
1 citation, 0.18%
Queen Mary University of London
1 citation, 0.18%
Tianjin University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Cambridge
1 citation, 0.18%
Shanghai University
1 citation, 0.18%
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
1 citation, 0.18%
Sorbonne University
1 citation, 0.18%
Southern University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Sichuan Normal University
1 citation, 0.18%
National Taiwan Normal University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Birmingham
1 citation, 0.18%
Johns Hopkins University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Pisa
1 citation, 0.18%
Shandong Jianzhu University
1 citation, 0.18%
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
California Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Yantai University
1 citation, 0.18%
Liaocheng University
1 citation, 0.18%
Ningbo University
1 citation, 0.18%
Monash University
1 citation, 0.18%
Pohang University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Sejong University
1 citation, 0.18%
City University of Hong Kong
1 citation, 0.18%
Northwestern University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of California, Berkeley
1 citation, 0.18%
Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
1 citation, 0.18%
Huzhou University
1 citation, 0.18%
Henan University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Huanghuai University
1 citation, 0.18%
Kunming University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
New Jersey Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
1 citation, 0.18%
Osaka University
1 citation, 0.18%
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1 citation, 0.18%
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Central Florida
1 citation, 0.18%
Tianshui Normal University
1 citation, 0.18%
Jiangxi Normal University
1 citation, 0.18%
Trinity College Dublin
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Ioannina
1 citation, 0.18%
Federal University of Pernambuco
1 citation, 0.18%
Max Planck Institute for Coal Research
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Bristol
1 citation, 0.18%
Helmholtz Centre for Materials and Energy
1 citation, 0.18%
Guangxi University
1 citation, 0.18%
Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
1 citation, 0.18%
Chemnitz University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Minnesota
1 citation, 0.18%
Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.18%
Philipps University of Marburg
1 citation, 0.18%
Food and Drug Administration
1 citation, 0.18%
Federal Institute For Materials Research and Testing
1 citation, 0.18%
Purdue University
1 citation, 0.18%
Brown University
1 citation, 0.18%
RIKEN-Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
1 citation, 0.18%
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Kyoto Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Utsunomiya University
1 citation, 0.18%
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Lodz University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
Université Laval
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Toronto
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Kentucky
1 citation, 0.18%
Comenius University Bratislava
1 citation, 0.18%
1 citation, 0.18%
Paris Sciences et Lettres
1 citation, 0.18%
Polytechnique Montréal
1 citation, 0.18%
University of New Hampshire
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Surrey
1 citation, 0.18%
Matej Bel University
1 citation, 0.18%
Daugavpils University
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Latvia
1 citation, 0.18%
University of São Paulo
1 citation, 0.18%
Kaunas University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
National Institute for Laser Plasma and Radiation Physics
1 citation, 0.18%
Brno University of Technology
1 citation, 0.18%
University of Pardubice
1 citation, 0.18%
Citing countries
- We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
- Statistics recalculated daily.