Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science
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Correlation of Malaria Rapid Test and Peripheral Blood Smear Microscopy among Patients attending Byumba Health Centre
Izere C., Niyigena J., Tuyishime J.D., Nshimiyimana A., Habyarimana T., Ndishimye P., Yadufashije C., Niyonzima F.N.
Background: Malaria presents a diagnostic challenge in most tropical countries including Rwanda. Microscopy remains the gold standard for diagnosing malaria, however, it is labour intensive and depends upon the skill of the examiner. Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (MRDTs) have been developed as an easy, convenient alternative to microscopy. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted from October to November 2019 on 130 febrile patients who were directed to the laboratory department for blood screening for malaria parasites at Byumba Health centre. The main objective of this study was to correlate Microscopy and MRDTs in diagnosis of malaria. Results: After signing a consent form, Blood samples were collected and screened for malaria parasites microscopically and by using MRDTs. Data collection forms were filled with relevant information and obtained results for MRDTs and for peripheral blood smear were recorded. The collected data were statistically analyzed using GraphPad Prism 9 software. The mean age found to be 16 years old. In this study peripheral blood smear microscopy was considered as a reference method. The sensitivity and specificity of RDT Histidine–Rich Protein 2 (HRP-2) were calculated and found to be 96.6% and 60% respectively. The negative predictive value was found to be 92.85% where positive predictive value was 73.3%. Conclusion: MRDTs should be used along with microscopy to avert complications associated with delayed diagnosis and similar studies are required to identify alternative techniques with high specificity for the diagnosis of malaria.
Predictors and Barriers to Post Abortion Family Planning Uptake in Hai District, Northern Tanzania: A Mixed Methods Study
Asubiojo B., Ng’wamkai P.E., Shayo B.C., Mwangi R., Mahande M.J., Msuya S.E., Maro E.
Introduction: Post Abortion Care (PAC) encompassing family planning counselling and contraception provision is a key strategy to reducing maternal morbidity and mortality especially in countries with restrictive abortion laws. Various factors affect the uptake of PAC modern family Planning (FP) in different settings. This study aimed at determining the prevalence, assessment of factors and barriers to PAC modern FP uptake in Hai district, Northern Tanzania Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted using an explanatory sequential design. Exit interviews using questionnaires was conducted among 189 women. In-depth interviews were conducted with 26 healthcare providers (HCPs) and 28 women who received PAC in Hai district hospital, Machame hospital and Moshi Specialists health centre in Hai district. Quantitative data was analysed using a Statistical Package for Social Science (IMB SPSS Statistics for Windows version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill., USA)). Bivariate and multivariable analyses were applied to estimate the predictors of uptake of PAC modern FP. Thematic content analysis was employed to explore barriers to uptake of post-abortion modern family planning. Results: The prevalence of uptake of modern family planning following PAC was 59/189(31.2%). 56% of the 189 women who received PAC did not receive counselling services on family planning. Marital status and partner’s support were predictors of PAC modern family planning uptake (p=.007 vs. p= <.05, respectively). Misinformation and misconception about modern contraceptives, lack of knowledge and fear of side effects were reported to be the major barriers to uptake of post-abortion family planning. Most women reported to have not received comprehensive family planning information from the HCPs. On the other hand, HCPs perceived their poor counselling skills as the barrier to post-abortion family planning uptake. This study observed poor coordination of PAC services within each visited facility and this was linked to women leaving the facility without family planning counselling and/or contraceptives provision. Conclusion: Suboptimal modern family planning counselling during PAC contributes to the low uptake of contraceptives methods in this setting. Strategies are needed to improve PAC modern family planning services uptake. Strategies such as; provision of counselling skills to HCPs with comprehensive information targeting local contextual misconception and promoting PAC provision as a one-stop service.
Correlates of Sexual Risky Behaviours, HIV Testing, and HIV Testing Intention among Sexually Active Youths in Northern Tanzania
Njau B., Mhando G., Jeremiah D., Mushi D.
Background: HIV testing services are important entry-point into the HIV cascade to care and treatment in order to slow down the spread of HIV infection. Over half of all new HIV infections in Sub-Saharan Africa occur among young people under the age of 25, particularly women. The study aimed to determine factors influencing young people’s decision to undergo HIV testing services in Northern Tanzania. Methods: A total of 536 sexually active participants aged 15 to 24 years old completed a semi-structured questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Results: Males compared to female participants were significantly younger at first age of sexual intercourse (15.4 vs. 16.7 years; p = .001). Out of 536 participants, 418(78%) reported inconsistent condom use, and 203/303(67%) were those practicing casual sex. Only, 189/536(35.3%) of the participants reported to have had an HIV-test. Age, socioeconomic status, perceived HIV severity, attitudes and social approval regarding testing and beliefs about testing procedures and perceived barriers to testing were significant predictors of HIV testing (R2 =.22). Age, unsafe casual sex, perceived severity, HIV-testing attitudes, self-efficacy, social approval, cues for actions and perceived quality of testing procedures were significant and positively related to HIV-testing intentions, while perceived barriers to testing were negatively related (R2 = .36). Conclusion: The integrated constructs of HBM and TPB provides a framework for identifying correlates of HIV testing behaviours and HIV testing intentions among sexually active youths. Future behaviour change interventions should focus on reduction of sexually risky behaviours, increasing perceived HIV severity, enhance positive attitudes and social approvals on testing, reduce misconceptions about testing procedures, alleviation of perceived barriers to testing and improve testing self-efficacy among sexually active youths in this setting.
Occurrence of Helicobacter Pylori in Specimens of Chronic Gastritis and Gastric Adenocarcinoma Patients: A Retrospective Study at University Teaching Hospital, Kigali, Rwanda
Nizeyimana T., Rugwizangoga B., Manirakiza F., Laga A.C.
Introduction: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the major cause of gastroduodenal diseases in populations of different ages.We conducted aretrospective studyusing archived tissue samples to determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection among patients diagnosed with gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma by histopathology cases in one hospital in Rwanda. Materials and methods: Cases of chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma histologically diagnosed in a tertiary hospital in Rwanda over the period of 2016-2018 were studied for the presence of H. pylori using immunohistochemistry. Diagnosis of positive cases considered immunoreactivity as well as bacterial morphology, including spiral, rod-shaped, angulated and coccoid forms. Results: Three hundred and seven cases were included in this study; chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma representing 39% and 61%, respectively. The overall frequency of H. pylori infection was 77.5% (80% among chronic gastritis cases versus 76% among gastric adenocarcinoma cases). Prevalence of H. pylori infection in chronic gastritis and adenocarcinoma did not significantly associate with age and sex. Conclusion: The prevalence of H. pylori was high among chronic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma cases in Rwanda. Pathologists should investigate the presence of H. pylori in gastric biopsies. Our data shows immunohistochemistry method is feasible and adequate to facilitate detection of H. pylori, which may guide timely treatment.
Implementation Challenges of Community Directed Treatment with Ivermectin Program for Control of Onchocerciasis in Ulanga, Tanzania
Mushi V.
Background: Community drug distributors (CDDs) have a crucial role in distributing ivermectin for onchocerciasis control and prevention. Their roles, experiences and challenges faced in the implementation of community-directed treatment with ivermectin (CDTI) programme could potentially affect coverage, consequently leading to persistent transmission. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the experience and the roles which CDDs plays in implementation of community directed treatment with ivermectin program for onchocerciasis control in Ulanga, Tanzania. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used to collect qualitative data in 2018 in Ulanga district, Tanzania. Five community drug distributors were purposively selected for in-depth interviews. Thematic framework approach for qualitative data analysis was used to generate codes, categories and themes. Results: Out of the five community drug distributors interviewed, two had experience of 15 to 20 years on implementation of the community directed treatment with ivermectin programme while the remaining community drug distributors had experience of less than 10 years. The main challenges faced by CDDs in the implementation of the CDTI programme include; the geographical location of the hamlets (hard to reach hamlets), long distances between houses, low compliance of community members to medication due to fear of side effects experienced before and mistrust of methods of dose calculation, short time of drug distribution and absence of people from their households as the exercise was conducted when community members were involved in agricultural activities. Conclusions: The challenges faced in the implementation of the CDTI programme could negatively affect the distribution and coverage of ivermectin treatment in the Ulanga district. It’s now an opportune time to address the challenges that CDDs are facing in the implementation of the CDTI programme to ensure effective control of onchocerciasis in the district.
Preparedness, Identification and Care of COVID-19 Cases by Front Line Health Workers in Selected Health Facilities in Mbale District Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Study
Rashid N., Nazziwa A., Nanyeenya N., Madinah N., Lwere K.
Introduction: The nature of work of Health care professionals exposes them to high risks of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it among themselves, to their patients and subsequently to the general community. Thus, it is essential that frontline health workers are equipped with both material and knowledge to enable them accurately suspect, detect, isolate, and manage COVID-19 cases. Findings have indicated a high prevalence of COVID-19 infections among front-line health workers. The Current Study assessed preparedness, identification, and care of COVID-19 Cases by frontline health workers in selected health facilities in Mbale District. Methodology: Across sectional survey was used to collect quantitative data using Google forms, An online platform for data collection. Data was collected from 189 frontline health workers in both government and private Health facilities in Mbale District between April and August 2020. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Findings: The study found that a good proportion of frontline health workers can identify cases by symptom and case definitions as probable case 113/189(59.8%), suspected case 60/189(36%) and confirmed case 22/189 (11.6%). There were generally low levels of preparedness in terms of initial service care being offered with the highest being 53/189(28.2%) and 50/189(26.4%) for facilities that had places for isolation and those with intravenous fluids respectively and the least was being able to offer oxygen and Intensive Care Services at 43/189(22.0%) and 20/189(10.3%) respectively. Conclusion and recommendations: There’s a need to ensure a continuous supply of PPEs and IPC materials to health facilities. CPD programs are essential in equipping Health workers with up-to-date information on COVID-19 Case Management. Facilities should be supported to setup isolation facilities at all levels, both permanent and temporary. Provision of Face masks to health workers should be prioritised and hand washing facilities should be installed at every serving point.
Experience in fostering regional collaboration and Coordination to use data for battling infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa
Arunga G., Ca T., Odero P., Bashir A., Manituo Somda S., Adan F., Weiss M., Naidoo W., Adjei Benin F., Malone T., A. LeGrand C., Yona Kitua A.
The emergence of COVID-19 highlights globalisation realties, where diseases may emerge from anywhere and rapidly spread globally. Lessons emphasise the necessity for strengthening regional and global collaboration and coordination to allow rapid risk identification, resource mobilisation and joint actions. We report the experience of the Regional Action through Data (RAD) partnership in fostering regional cooperation and collaboration to use data for battling infectious diseases and the effects of COVID-19. The Partnership comprised;BoadReach company, The West African Health Organization (WAHO) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD); Duke University Global Health Centre and the Jembi Health Systems, South Africa. Main objective: To address the problem of limited used of data to drive performance in healthcare service delivery in sub-Saharan Africa; by changing how and why data is collected, analysed, and then used to achieve results. Specific objectives: 1. Regional level: To equip and empower IGAD and WAHO with evidence-based analytics to drive data use for evidence-based policy and program action in public health (regional level). 2. Patient -provider level: To deploy and implement a digital health solution for child-hood vaccination services focused on mobile cross-border populations along the Uganda-Kenya border. Engagement approaches used included; meetings, workshops, technical working groups, establishing monitoring system and annual implementation revision. Targeted training and capacity building were conducted. All activities were built on existing systems and structures to strengthen ownership and sustainability. Regional level achievements: 1. Regional health data sharing and protection policy, 2. Strengthened regional health information platform. Patient provider level: Deployment of a cloud based digital health solution to enhance childhood access to vaccination services for cross border populations of Kenya and Uganda, 3. Both regions developed resource mobilisation plans for sustainability. RAD established the foundation for building trust and strengthening regional collaboration and coordination in health in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Prevalence and Predictor of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers of 0 to 6 months Infants from Pastoralists and Hunters’ Community in Tanzania; A Community Based Cross-Sectional Study
Vincent Moshi F., E. Akyoo E., Ally Seif S.
Background: Initiating breastfeeding during the first hour after birth and continuing breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months prevents childhood infections such as diarrhoea. Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months of life of the baby is recognised globally as the best and the most effective intervention to ensure the survival of babies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of EBF and its predictors among mothers of 0 to 6 months infants from pastoralists and hunters’ community in Manyara region-Tanzania. Methods: This was a community-based analytical cross-sectional study that involved 342 mothers of 0 to 6 months infants who were randomly selected through 4 stage multistage sampling technique. Data was collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Binary Logistic Regression analysis was used to establish factors associated with EBF practices. Results: The prevalence of EBF among postnatal women from hunters and pastoralists societies was 47.1% at 95% CI=41.7%-52.5%. After adjusted for confounders, the predictors of EBF practice were age of infants (0-1 months, AOR= 2.838 at 95% CI = 1.326-6.075, p=.007), age of mothers (26-35 years, AOR=1.851 at 95% CI= 1.059-3.234, p=.031), Level of education of infants’ mothers (primary education, AOR= 2.374 at 95% CI= 1.321-4.265, p=.004) and knowledge on exclusive breast feeding, AOR=2.51 at 95% CI= 1.435-4.393, p=.001. Conclusion: Majority of mothers from pastoralists’ and hunters’ societies were not practising EBF. Predictors of EBF practice were; the age of infants, maternal age, level of education of the mother and knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding. Poor EBF practice was mainly contributed to low level of knowledge about the EBF. The low level of knowledge could have been contributed by poor access to maternal services. Nature of living (lack of permanent settlement) of the study population could have contributed to low access to maternal services. An innovative interventional study is highly recommended to come up with strategies that will improve knowledge on EBF and practice of EBF
Aloe and its Effects on Cancer: A Narrative Literature Review
Manirakiza A., Irakoze L.
Many years ago, Aloe Vera was cited to have a lot of therapeutic properties including; anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, skin protection, wound healing, and regulation of blood glucose and cholesterol. However, Aloe could present some side effects. This review focused on the latest discoveries regarding the therapeutic role of Aloe plant or its compounds on the acquired biological capabilities for tumour growth and progression namely; evading growth suppressor, avoiding immune destruction, enabling replicative immortality, tumour promoting inflammation, activating invasion and metastasis, inducing angiogenesis, genome instability and mutation, resisting cell death, deregulating cellular energetics and sustaining proliferating signalling. It clarified the anti-cancer activities it exerts on different types of cancer and also highlighted some pro-oncogenic pathways that can be disrupted by different compounds of Aloe.
Use of Haematological Changes as a Predictor of Dengue Infection among Suspected Cases at Kairuki Hospital in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: A Retrospective Cross Sectional Study
Salvatory Kalabamu F., Maliki S.
Background: Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by female Aedes mosquitoes which are commonly found in tropical and subtropical areas. There is a dramatic increase in annual incidence rate of dengue attributed to urbanisation, poor environmental management as well as increased people mobility. Outbreak of dengue have been reported in Tanzania in recent years with Dar es salaam being the most affected region. Dengue is associated with haematological derangements and itindicates the severity of the disease. These changes have not been well elucidated in Tanzanian patients. The aim of this study was to determine these derangements among dengue patients admitted at Kairuki hospital in Dar es salaam, and compare these changes with non- dengue febrile patients. Methods: A retrospective cross sectional study was conducted among patients who were suspected to have dengue; tested for dengue IgM and their Complete Blood Count were tested during the index illness. This information was obtained from Kairuki hospital laboratory database. Haematological parameters were compared between dengue and non-dengue patients using SPSS Version 20.0. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine haematological predictors of dengue positive results. Results: A total of 255 patients were enrolled, whereby 188(73.7%) were dengue positive and 67 (26.3%) were negative. Dengue patients had relatively low mean total white blood cell counts compared to non-dengue patients (Student’s test= -2.7; p value=.007). Furthermore, Mean lymphocyte count was significantly low in dengue patients compared to non-dengue patients (Student’s (t) test=-5.1; p<.001). Other haematological parameters were not significantly different. Lymphopenia was a significant predictor for dengue positive results (Adjusted Odd Ration =5.26 (95% CI=2.28-12.2; P value <.001). Conclusion: Patients with dengue had significantly low total white blood cell and lymphocyte count compared to non-dengue febrile patients. Lymphopenia is a significant haematological predictor for dengue positive results. Case defining signs and symptoms combined with these haematological changes may be used by clinicians as a guide to order confirmatory test for suspected dengue cases.
Prevalence and determinants of occupational Injuries among welders in small scale metal workshops in Wakiso District, Uganda
Itiakorit B., Bayiga Zziwa E., Osuret J.
Background: Injuries are a public health concern accounting for 2.78 million fatalities globally. Welders are exposed to a broad range of injuries (e.g. cuts, burns, eye injuries, skin irritations, and musculoskeletal disorders) and yet, there is paucity of information on context specific determinants to inform injury prevention and control. This study determined the factors associated with occupational injuries among welders in Uganda. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among welders in Wakiso District, Uganda. Pretested and translated questionnaires were used to collect data from 327 randomly selected respondents using face to face interviews. 2 parishes were purposively selected, and 20 metal workshops were systematically selected in each parish. Descriptive statistics and adjusted odds ratios were computed Results: A high prevalence 287 (87.8%) of self-reported occupational injuries was found among welding workers with cuts/burns 242 (84.3%) and eye injuries 180 (62.7%) reported as the most sustained injuries. Occupational injuries were associated with being a causal labourer with informal training (AOR 4.70 (2.03-10.84)) and working for longer hours (AOR 2.63 (1.26-5.51)). Those with more work experience were less likely to be involved in occupational injuries (AOR 0.30 (0.11-0.84)). Conclusions: The prevalence of occupational injuries among small-scale welding workers was high and this was associated with learning their trade at work and working for longer hours. Mitigation measures that focus on safety at workplace, advocating for capacity training, and enforcement of workplace regulations should be instituted.
Using the Health Belief Model to Explain the Patient’s Compliance to Anti-hypertensive Treatment in Three District Hospitals - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: A Cross Section Study
Alphonce Joho A.
Background: Hypertension remains a public-health challenge globally. Its prevention, early detection, proper and adequate treatment and control should be given high consideration to prevent occurrence of cardiovascular disease and stroke. This study is guided by the Health Belief Model (HBM) to investigate the influence of treatment compliance using HBM constructs among elderly hypertensive patients in 3 regional hospitals in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in 3 region hospitals in Dar es Salaam from April to May 2012. The study included patients who were on antihypertensive medications. Simple Random Sampling was used to enrol the study participants. Data was collected using structured questionnaire. Data was analysed using SPSS version 20. Linear Multiple Regression analysis was performed to identify variables which are strongest predictor of treatment compliance among variables of the Health belief Model. Results: A total of 135 participants were enrolled of whom 56% were compliant to hypertensive treatment. Multivariate analysis indicated significant model fit for the data (F=11.19 and P value <.001). The amount of variance in treatment compliance that was explained by the predictors was 30.3% (R²=0.303) with perceived barrier being the strongest predictor of treatment compliance (β=-0.477; p< .001). Other predictor variables were not statistically associated with treatment compliance. Conclusion: The study showed that 56% of study participants had hypertensive treatment compliance and perceived barrier to treatment was the strongest predictor. Innovative strategy on improving patients’ perception of barrier to treatment is recommended in order to improve treatment compliance.
Assessing Knowledge and Practices of the Community towards Corona Virus Disease 2019 in Mbale Municipality, Uganda: Across Section Study
Rashid N., Nazziwa A., Kantono R., Kasujja H., Zziwa S.
Background: The Corona virus disease, first identified in Wuhan city, Hubei province of China, is a respiratory illness caused by Novel Corona Virus also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS Cov.2). The disease is characterised by; dry cough and shortness of breath with difficulty in breathing and at least 2 of the following; fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and loss of test and smell. Uganda in general and Mbale in particular has people of diverse culture, religion and ethnic background as well as diverse socio economic activities with various practices. This multi-cultural environment creates differences in perception of information and practices. Most cultures encourage socialisation through social functions like attending weddings, funerals, work places and gatherings and Muslims who have to go for congregation prayers in the mosques 5 times a day among others. This puts such communities at risk of spreading the disease very fast and slow in adapting to control measures Aim: In this study, we aimed at assessing knowledge and practices of the community towards COVID 19 in Mbale municipality. Methods and Materials: A cross section study was used; Data was obtained using a Questionnaires to a sample of 355 respondents and an observation tool was also used to observe behaviour patterns and practices of 776 participants towards the control measures of COVID-19. Results: There was a total of 355 respondents with 208 /355 (58.59%) male and 147/355 (41.4%) female. 149/355(42%) possessed good knowledge, 131/355(36.9%) had moderate knowledge and 75/355(21%) had a little knowledge on COVID-19. Participants who were single and aged between 21-30 years were found to be more knowledgeable than other groups (P value=.001 and P value=.003 respectively).The source of COVID 19 information was mainly from television and radios 124/248 (50%) and social media 34/248 (21.8%) and the least source of information being 14/248(5.6%) and 9/248(3.6%) from health workers and Religious leaders respectively. 496/776 (64%) of the respondents observed, washed their hands and only124/776 (16%) of the respondents wore face masks. 98/776 (12.6%) were seen shaking hands and 15/776(2%) were seen hugging. Conclusion: Use of appropriate and well-designed Health education materials on radios, televisions and social media platforms like Facebook and twitter among others can be effective means of communication since they can reach the highest number of people. Ministry of Health should design ways for systematically integrating both political and religious leaders in Health Education Campaigns. Government should provide facemasks and enforce their use. A study to assess the ability of both political and religious leaders in health promotion campaigns should be carried out.
Prevalence and risk factors for diabetes mellitus among tuberculosis patients in Moshi Municipal Council, Kilimanjaro Tanzania
L. Mabula P., I. Kazinyingi K., Christian Chavala E., Mosha V., E. Msuya S., John Leyaro B.
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a worldwide public health problem and its prevalence has been rising rapidly in low and middle income countries (LMICs) including Tanzania. According to WHO report 2015, DM is ranked number six as a leading cause of death worldwide. Strong evidence suggests that DM may be associated with Tuberculosis (TB) and could affect TB treatment outcomes. Tanzania is among the 22 countries that have a high burden of TB and currently facing increased epidemic of DM. The increasing diabetes prevalence may be a threat to TB control and counteract strategies to end TB by 2030 as proposed by WHO. Objective: To determine proportion of TB patients who are co-infected with DM in Moshi municipal council, Kilimanjaro Tanzania. Methodology: This study was a hospital based cross-sectional study conducted in April to July 2018 at 4 health facilities; Mawenzi Regional Referral hospital, St. Joseph District Designated hospital, Pasua Health center and Majengo Health centre in Moshi municipal. The study included adults aged 18 years and above attending either of the 4 health facilities for TB care. The study included newly diagnosed and those who were on TB treatment. Interviews were conducted followed by blood glucose testing. Data was entered and analysed using SPSS Results: A total of 153 TB patients were enrolled, their mean age was 42.5 (±14.75) years and 46 (30.1%) were females. The prevalence of DM among TB patients in this study was 9.2%. Factors associated with TB-DM comorbidity were: age (OR 4.43, 95% CI: 1.18-16.55), HIV status (OR 3.88, 95% CI: 1.06-14.11), and family history of DM (OR 6.50, 95% CI 0.67-25.56). Conclusion: One in ten patients with TB had confirmed DM. There is a need for future studies to assess if DM influences TB treatment and outcomes in this setting.
Uptake of Modern Contraceptive Methods among Burundian Women and Associated Factors: Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey Data, Burundi 2016–2017
Nkunzimana E., Sufiyan Babale M., Ndoreraho A., Nyandwi J.
Background: Globally in 2017, Burundi was the 9th country with the highest population growth rate of 3.2% and a fertility rate of 5.5 children per woman. This probably suggested low uptake of Modern Contraceptive methods (MCM) in the country. Our analysis investigated factors associated with low uptake of MCM among women of reproductive age in Burundi. Methods: Cross sectional data of non-pregnant women aged 15-49 years was extracted from the Burundi Demographic and Health Survey (2016-2017). We analysed the data at univariate, bivariate and multivariate levels to assess factors influencing MCM uptake among these women using Epi-Info Results: Of the 9,945 women, 2,372 (23.8%) were using MCM. Ngozi province had the highest prevalence of MCM users [284/691(37.7%)]. The most used MCM among respondents was injectable contraceptive (48.3%). As respondent’s age increases, the odds of using MCM decreases; 20-24 years (aOR=0.9, 95% CI [0.6-1.2]), 30-34 years (aOR=0.8, 95% CI [0.5-1.0]), 35-39 years (aOR=0.7, 95% CI [0.5-0.9]), 40-44 years (aOR=0.5, 95% CI [0.5-0.9]) and 45-49 years (aOR=0.4, 95% CI [0.2-0.5]) compared with those in the age group 15-19 years. Muslims (aOR=1.5, 95% CI [1.2-1.9]) and Jehovah witnesses (aOR=3.1, 95% CI [1.7-6.5]) were more likely to use MCM than Catholics. Conclusion: The prevalence of MCM remains low among women of reproductive age in Burundi, with injectables being the most used method. Factors such as respondent’s age and religion were significantly associated with MCM use. Enhanced access to family planning information and services targeting women who are 30 years or more and engaging religious leaders for their active participation is recommended.