
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
1993 — 2001, Specialist, Technical Physics
Egorov E.V., Egorov V.K., Afanas' M.S., ev N.A.
2024-02-06 citations by CoLab: 0
Egorov V., Egorov E.
2023-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The work presents short characteristics of the X-ray fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon. There is described peculiarities of the X-ray nanophotonics base device functioned in frame of the phenomenon – the planar X-ray waveguide-resonator and denoted directions of its development. X-ray waveguide-resonance devices elaboration in the process of base construction modification are discussed.
Egorov V., Egorov E.
2023-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The work presents short descriptions of ion beam methods and X-ray diagnostics in conditions of the total external reflection geometry with accent on the planar nanostructures peculiarities study. These objects specificity is described, and these are formulated tasks, which are more suitable for these method applications. Experimental results, which confirm the high efficiency of real objects investigation by these methods are discussed. Possible directions of ion beam analysis and X-ray methodical background on base of the planar X-ray waveguide-resonators application are pointed. The profit from its devises use is re-ndered.
Egorov E.V., Egorov V.K.
2021-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The article is concerned with peculiarities study of the quasimonochromatic optical fluxes propagation through thin planar transparent layer of multilayer coating. There is shown that these fluxes can be transported by the layer in process of its multiple consequtive total internal reflection or by the waveguide-resonance propagation manner depending on correlation between the layer width and the radiation coherence length half of transported fluxes. Efficiency comparison of these radiation transportation mechanisms showed that the waveguide-resonance propagation approach is more adequate for results description of the optical waveguides functioning. It allowed to conclude that optical waveguides (fibers) function in frame of the waveguide-resonance paradigm and the waveguide-resonance mechanism is responsible for the light fluxes transportation on great distances.
Afanasiev M.S., Egorov E.V., Egorov V.K., Chucheva G.V.
2021-07-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
A brief description of the ion-beam analytical complex used for the work is given. The possibilities of elemental analysis of the materials as a result of using the methods of Rutherford ion backscattering and X‑ray fluorescence under ionic excitation are shown. A brief description of these methods and the conditions for their implementation is given. It is shown that the highest efficiency of elemental analysis is achieved when they are applied together. Experimental data showing the efficiency of using such an analysis in diagnostics of the elemental composition of residues of dry liquids and solid materials, including thin-film ferroelectric films, are presented.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Kalin B.A., Safonov D.A.
2021-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The characteristics of the production technology for fuel rod cladding oriented to its application for water-moderated water-cooled power reactors with a coolant temperature of 300−350°C are presented. Possible directions for the modification of the cladding surface are proposed. The methodological background for the diagnostics of materials based on the ion-beam and X-ray diagnostic methods is discussed. Using this diagnostics, it is possible to characterize the parameters of the inner and outer surfaces of the fuel-rod cladding without changing its form. Experimental data are presented, which demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed analytical complex for characterizing the surface layers of fuel-rod cladding.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2020-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The methodics background for the nondestructive element concentration diagnostics of cylindric shape material objects surface layer is developed. The diagnostics is produced without objects form-factor distortion on base of ion beams and X-ray analytical methods. The depth element concentration distribution determination found on the ion beams Rutherford backscattering data and results of X-ray fluorescence testing in conditions of TXRF modified measurements. Possibilities of the elaborated analytical conception are illustrated by experimental data obtained at study of element content in surface layer of the nuclear heat release cell shell.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
21st Century Nanoscience - A Handbook: Advanced Analytic Methods and Instrumentation (Volume Three)
2020-04-02 citations by CoLab: 2
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2019-11-01 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The work presents short characteristics of the radiaiton fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon opened in result of X-ray characteristic radiation transportation peculiarities study by planar extended slit clearance functioned in frame of its total external reflection phenomenon. There are showed that the waveguide-resonanec phenomenon must become apparent in frame of the Bragg reflection phenomenon and can be used for elaboration of the Bragg-Laue waveguide-resonance cells (BLWRC). Set of BLWRCs can be used for construction of compact pulsed X-ray laser in form of circular radiation storage. There are presented and discussed its expected parameters.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2019-11-01 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The work proposes the original possible approach for the nuclear synthesis execution on base of radiation fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon consequences. The experimental data set obtained in frame of quasimonochromatical X-ray radiation fluxes early and the corpuscle-wave dualism conception allowed for us to suggest the principle solution of cold fusion problem going round the Coulomb barrier impeding to nuclear interaction. Short characteristics of radiation fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon and its consequence connected with independent radiation fluxes interaction through mutual influence of radiation standing waves uniform interference fields excited by these fluxes are presented.
Afanasiev M.S., Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Kuharskaya N.F., Nabiev A.E., Naryshkina V.G.
2019-09-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The features of methods for total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis with proton-induced X‑ray fluorescence emission are described. A setup for obtaining X-ray fluorescence spectra under the conditions of proton-beam excitation has been developed using these methods. The setup is based on a specially designed planar X-ray waveguide resonator. The features of the new experimental diagnostic method in the unique research facility (UNU no. 45) of the Sokol-3 analytical ion-beam complex are discussed; some attention has been paid to the description of the capabilities of this facility.
Egorov S., Nemtinov V., Nemtinova Y., Egorov E.
2019-07-01 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The article deals with development of a web application for determining thermo-physical properties of substances. A distinctive feature of the application is in using the method of forming functional dependencies in order to determine thermodynamic properties of a working medium for the regions of their liquid, steam, and gas phases that have first-order discontinuities at the inter-phase boundaries. The software package for mathematical modeling of thermodynamic processes, which includes a web application, is considered. Reference systems and computing services for performing mathematical calculations online are described. Examples of procedures used in the application to determine the properties of substances on the experimental data tables are given. The areas of using the application are identified.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Afanas’ev M.S.
2019-07-01 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
Abstract The work discusses procedure peculiarities of thin films, surface layers and liquid dry residue elements diagnostics. There are showed that the ion beam analysis embellished by TXRF method is necessary and sufficient for element analysis of material surface layers. Experimental data of thin film surface layers obtained by TXRF, RBS and PIXE methods are presented.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2019-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The phenomenon of X-ray fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation is presented briefly. There is described simplest design of the planar X-ray waveguide-resonator (PXWR) - device functioned in frame of the phenomenon. Advantages and drawbacks of the device are discussed in details. Experimental characteristics of the composite PXWR that decreased the angular divergence of its emergent beam at the integral intensity conservation are presented. A simplified model of the functioning of this device is formulated.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Afanas’ev M.S.
2018-11-26 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF Abstract  
The work presents short characteristics of X-ray fluorescence method for the material element composite diagnostics in conditions of characteristic fluorescence excitation by hard X-ray beams and high energy proton beams (PIXE). There are discussed comparative data of X-ray and ion beams excitation. Specific attention is devoted to X-ray exciting beam total reflection method (TXRF) and its adaptation to the ion beam excitation by the planar X-ray waveguide-resonator application. It is shown that the modified PIXE method allows to analyze the element composition of thin surface layer and is very effective for the light element diagnostics in it.
Il’in A.I., Egorov V.K., Ivanov A.A.
Vacuum scimago Q1 wos Q2
2025-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Cites 1
Sarmast S., Rouindej K., Fraser R.A., Dusseault M.B.
Applied Energy scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-03-01 citations by CoLab: 21 Abstract   Cites 1
This paper studies the challenges of designing and operating adiabatic compressed air energy storage (A-CAES) systems, identifies core causes for the reported discrepancies between round-trip efficiencies from current literature models versus experiments, and presents a near-adiabatic CAES (NA-CAES) system design that addresses these issues. The core causes are overly simplified heat management modeling, neglect of heat losses in the thermal energy reservoir, single-cycle modeling, replacing a diabatic CAES combustor with a TES without other major design changes, using a mirrored compression-expansion design, and/or efficiency definition limitations. To demonstrate an approach to designing an NA-CAES system that addresses the core causes of modeling vs. experiment efficiency discrepancies, a case study is presented for Ontario, Canada. This full system view approach yielded NA-CAES systems with maximum round-trip efficiencies of 60.5, 61.1, and 61.5% for a constant reservoir volume throttled system, a constant reservoir volume variable pressure system, and a constant pressure reservoir system, respectively. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to identify primary with a strong influence on efficiency (such as reservoir pressure limits and the expanders’ pressure ratio), and secondary parameters that more strongly affect TES size (including TES charging and discharging mass flow rates, inlet temperatures to the expanders, and TES tank temperatures). Multi-objective hierarchical optimization was employed to improve efficiency while reducing TES capacity. In brief, the results reveal that through design configuration selection it should still be possible to achieve in practice high NA-CAES efficiencies in excess of 60%.
Egorov V., Egorov E.
2023-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 3
The work presents short characteristics of the X-ray fluxes waveguide-resonance propagation phenomenon. There is described peculiarities of the X-ray nanophotonics base device functioned in frame of the phenomenon – the planar X-ray waveguide-resonator and denoted directions of its development. X-ray waveguide-resonance devices elaboration in the process of base construction modification are discussed.
Egorov V., Egorov E.
2023-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 3
The work presents short descriptions of ion beam methods and X-ray diagnostics in conditions of the total external reflection geometry with accent on the planar nanostructures peculiarities study. These objects specificity is described, and these are formulated tasks, which are more suitable for these method applications. Experimental results, which confirm the high efficiency of real objects investigation by these methods are discussed. Possible directions of ion beam analysis and X-ray methodical background on base of the planar X-ray waveguide-resonators application are pointed. The profit from its devises use is re-ndered.
Kawai J.
2022-12-16 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The usage of a 3D printer for developing a novel spectrometer is explained. Small X-ray instruments such as portable TXRF spectrometer, X-ray reflectometer, and polarization X-ray fluorescence spectrometer are explained from personal experiences during the development of these portable instruments. These three small X-ray analyzers are especially useful for practical applications, and examples of applications are also shown.
Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V.
2022-04-01 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract   Cites 1
A review of advances in the growth of SiC epitaxial films on silicon is presented. All the main classical methods used at present to grow SiC films on silicon are described. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The main idea and theory of a new method of synthesizing epitaxial SiC films on silicon are presented. The method is called the method of coordinated substitution of atoms. In the course of coordinated substitution of atoms, the initial lattice of a silicon material with the lattice parameter of 0.543 nm “collapses” into a cubic SiC lattice with the parameter of 0.435 nm. A surprising feature of this method of growing SiC is that an interface layer several nanometers thick with nonstandard optical and electrical properties appears at the SiC/Si interface. The unusual properties are caused by the collapse (shrinkage) of the material with the separation of a new phase of silicon carbide from the silicon matrix. Silicon is subjected to abnormally strong compression. As a result of such shrinkage, every fifth SiC chemical bond becomes fully consistent with every fourth silicon bond, and the remaining bonds are deformed. This leads to a change in the structure of the SiC surface zones adjacent to silicon with its transformation into a “semimetal.” The epitaxy of SiC films on silicon due to the consistent substitution of carbon atoms for half of the silicon atoms in the absence of lattice mismatch dislocations ensures the high crystalline perfection of the SiC films. The review presents experimental data on the growth of a whole family of films and heterostructures of compounds of wide-gap A3B5 and A2B6 semiconductors. The SiC layer on silicon grown by the method of substitution of atoms is shown to be a new and very promising material for spintronics and creation of quantum computer elements.
Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V.
Inorganic Materials scimago Q3 wos Q4
2021-12-01 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract   Cites 1
The paper reviews the latest advances in the growth of epitaxial SiC films on Si by the coordinated atomic substitution method. The conceptual issues and procedure of the new method for synthesizing epitaxial SiC films on Si are described. It is shown that this method significantly differs from the classical thin film growth schemes. Film growth in accordance with the classical mechanism is provided by deposition of atoms on the surface of a substrate. The new method consists in the coordinated atomic substitution of a portion of the atoms of the silicon matrix by carbon atoms to form an epitaxial silicon carbide film. The new growth method is compared with the classical thin film growth mechanisms. It is shown that the main distinctive feature of SiC films synthesized by this method is the formation of an excess concentration of silicon vacancies in it, whereas SiC grown by the standard methods comprises mostly carbon vacancies. It is shown that the interaction of carbon atoms and silicon vacancies leads to the formation of ordered ensembles of carbon–vacancy structures in SiC layers grown by the coordinated atomic substitution method. The formation of these structures is attributed to both the occurrence of a chemical substitution reaction and the contraction of the Si lattice cell during the transformation of it into a SiC lattice cell. The presence of carbon–vacancy structures in SiC imparts a number of new unique properties to the silicon carbide. In particular, a Si layer exhibiting the electronic properties of a “semimetal” is formed at the SiC–Si interface. In addition, carbon–vacancy structures provide unique optical, electrical, and magnetic properties. In particular, two quantum effects—a hysteresis of the static magnetic susceptibility and the occurrence of Aharonov–Bohm oscillations in the field dependences of the static magnetic susceptibility—are found to occur in weak magnetic fields at room temperature. The first of the effects is associated with the Meissner–Ochsenfeld effect; the second is associated with the presence of carbon–vacancy structures and microdefects in the form of nanotubes and micropores formed in these structures during SiC synthesis under the SiC layer.
Egorov E.V., Egorov V.K.
2021-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Abstract The article is concerned with peculiarities study of the quasimonochromatic optical fluxes propagation through thin planar transparent layer of multilayer coating. There is shown that these fluxes can be transported by the layer in process of its multiple consequtive total internal reflection or by the waveguide-resonance propagation manner depending on correlation between the layer width and the radiation coherence length half of transported fluxes. Efficiency comparison of these radiation transportation mechanisms showed that the waveguide-resonance propagation approach is more adequate for results description of the optical waveguides functioning. It allowed to conclude that optical waveguides (fibers) function in frame of the waveguide-resonance paradigm and the waveguide-resonance mechanism is responsible for the light fluxes transportation on great distances.
Pesin L.A.
2021-11-01 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract   Cites 1
Both known and previously unpublished results of studies devoted to the modification of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) by exposure to inert-gas ions and soft X-rays from laboratory radiation sources with magnesium and aluminum anodes are discussed. Along with the experimental data, model calculations of the kinetics of polymer dehydrofluorination and the concentration gradient for residual fluorine in the analyzed surface layer are presented. The peculiarities of PVDF degradation upon bombardment with electrons and irradiation with photons of synchrotron radiation will be discussed in the following review article, which is currently being prepared.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Kalin B.A., Safonov D.A.
2021-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 2
The characteristics of the production technology for fuel rod cladding oriented to its application for water-moderated water-cooled power reactors with a coolant temperature of 300−350°C are presented. Possible directions for the modification of the cladding surface are proposed. The methodological background for the diagnostics of materials based on the ion-beam and X-ray diagnostic methods is discussed. Using this diagnostics, it is possible to characterize the parameters of the inner and outer surfaces of the fuel-rod cladding without changing its form. Experimental data are presented, which demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed analytical complex for characterizing the surface layers of fuel-rod cladding.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2020-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract   Cites 1
Abstract The methodics background for the nondestructive element concentration diagnostics of cylindric shape material objects surface layer is developed. The diagnostics is produced without objects form-factor distortion on base of ion beams and X-ray analytical methods. The depth element concentration distribution determination found on the ion beams Rutherford backscattering data and results of X-ray fluorescence testing in conditions of TXRF modified measurements. Possibilities of the elaborated analytical conception are illustrated by experimental data obtained at study of element content in surface layer of the nuclear heat release cell shell.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Afanas’ev M.S.
Physics of the Solid State scimago Q4 wos Q4
2019-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
We show how the combined use of the methods of Rutherford backscattering of ions and X-ray fluorescence analysis under conditions of total external reflection of the flow of exciting hard X-ray radiation and registration of the X-ray radiation output during ion excitation allows to effectively diagnose the elemental composition of thin-film coatings and films of dry residues of liquids. These methods and the features of their experimental application are briefly described. Examples of the complex methodological analysis of real objects are given. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis of materials due to the inclusion in the X-ray optical schemes of experimental measurements of flat X-ray waveguide resonators is indicated.
Bharti A., Turchet A., Marmiroli B.
Frontiers in Nanotechnology scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2022-02-25 citations by CoLab: 17 PDF Abstract  
X-ray lithography has been first proposed almost 50 years ago, and the related LIGA process around 25 years ago. It is therefore a good time to make an analysis of the technique, with its pros and cons. In this perspective article, we describe X-ray lithography’s latest advancements. First, we report the improvement in the fabrication of the high aspect ratio and high-resolution micro/nanostructures. Then, we present the radiation-assisted synthesis and processing of novel materials for the next generation of functional devices. We finally draw our conclusion on the future prospects of the technique.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
21st Century Nanoscience - A Handbook: Advanced Analytic Methods and Instrumentation (Volume Three)
2020-04-02 citations by CoLab: 2
Afanasiev M.S., Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V., Kuharskaya N.F., Nabiev A.E., Naryshkina V.G.
2019-09-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The features of methods for total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis with proton-induced X‑ray fluorescence emission are described. A setup for obtaining X-ray fluorescence spectra under the conditions of proton-beam excitation has been developed using these methods. The setup is based on a specially designed planar X-ray waveguide resonator. The features of the new experimental diagnostic method in the unique research facility (UNU no. 45) of the Sokol-3 analytical ion-beam complex are discussed; some attention has been paid to the description of the capabilities of this facility.
Sinn H., Dommach M., Dickert B., Di Felice M., Dong X., Eidam J., Finze D., Freijo-Martin I., Gerasimova N., Kohlstrunk N., La Civita D., Meyn F., Music V., Neumann M., Petrich M., et. al.
2019-04-17 citations by CoLab: 11 PDF Abstract  
SASE1 is the first beamline of the European XFEL that became operational in 2017. It consists of the SASE1 undulator system, the beam transport system, and the two scientific experiment stations: Single Particles, Clusters, and Biomolecules and Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SPB/SFX), and Femtosecond X-ray Experiments (FXE). The beam transport system comprises mirrors to offset and guide the beam to the instruments and a set of X-ray optical components to align, manipulate and diagnose the beam. The SASE1 beam transport system is described here in its initial configuration, and results and experiences from the first year of user operation are reported.
Egorov V.K., Egorov E.V.
2018-06-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
The phenomenon of total external reflection (TER) of quasi-monochromatic X-ray radiation fluxes on a material interface and the effect of waveguide–resonator propagation of these fluxes in nanosize extended slit clearance, as well as a device operating on the basis of this effect—a planar X-ray waveguide–resonator—are briefly described. Experimental data on the formation of an X-ray flux by a composite X-ray waveguide–resonator are presented, and a model describing the decrease in the angular divergence of the formed flux without a decrease in the integral intensity is proposed. The model is based on the conception of partial angular tunneling of the radiation flux in the gap between two consequently mounted and mutually adjusted waveguide–resonators; the tunneling is implemented due to the interaction between interference fields of standing X-ray waves excited by the radiation transported by the slit clearance of these waveguide–resonators.
Wu A., Ribis J., Brachet J.-., Clouet E., Leprêtre F., Bordas E., Arnal B.
Journal of Nuclear Materials scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-06-01 citations by CoLab: 81 Abstract  
Chromium-coated zirconium alloys are being studied as Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding for Light Water Reactors (LWRs). Those materials are especially studied to improve the oxidation resistance of LWRs current fuel claddings in nominal and at High Temperature (HT) for hypothetical accidental conditions such as LOss of Coolant Accident. Beyond their HT behavior, it is essential to assess the materials behavior under irradiation. A first generation chromium/Zircaloy-4 interface was thus irradiated with 20 MeV Kr8+ ions at 400 °C up to 10 dpa. High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and chemical analysis (EDS) were conducted at the Cr/Zr interface. The atomic structure of the interface reveals the presence of Zr(Fe, Cr)2 Laves phase, displaying both C14 and C15 structure. After irradiation, only the C14 structure was observed and atomic row matching was preserved across the different interfaces, thus ensuring a good adhesion of the coating after irradiation.
Lider V.V.
2017-11-01 citations by CoLab: 12 Abstract  
Various zone plates: amplitude, amplitude-phase, and phase ones (including Fresnel and Gabor zone plates, Laue- and Bragg-Fresnel lenses, photon sieves, and aperiodic zone plates), as well as their properties and X-ray focusing possibilities, are described and analyzed.
Mokrozub V.G., Nemtinov V.A., Mokrozub A.V.
A procedural model for designing multiproduct chemical engineering systems is described. The model includes the following designing stages: determining types, number, and size of equipment at each stage of the production process, laying out equipment and pipelines in the production site, and designing individual equipment. The model is intended for creating intelligent systems for automated designing.
Egorov S.Y., Sharonin K.A.
In this paper, mathematical modeling of objects layout is considered for the phase of construction engineering of industrial facilities. The authors propose a new approach that allows to define the problem and to automatically create a mathematical layout model of the industrial facilities. The approach is based on a method of generating and controlling the limitations of the mathematical layout model. The distinctive feature of this method is the possibility to add new restrictions and to consider them in the process of layout calculations without changing the code. The proposed approach has been tested in solving practical problems of designing layouts of industrial facilities.
Egorov V., Egorov E., Afanas’ef M.
2017-02-21 citations by CoLab: 2 PDF Abstract  
The work presents short discussion of TXRF and PIXE methods peculiarities. Taking into account of these peculiarities we elaborate the experimental scheme for TXRF measurements at ion beam excitation of characteristical fluorescence. The scheme is built on base of the planar X-ray waveguide-resonator with specific design. Features of the new experimental method and possibilities of Sokol-3 ion beam analytical complex were used for the method application in real measurements.
Kukushkin S.A., Osipov A.V.
Physics of the Solid State scimago Q4 wos Q4
2016-04-01 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract  
Methods of linear algebra were used to find a basis of independent chemical reactions in the topochemical conversion of silicon into silicon carbide by the reaction with carbon monoxide. The pressure–flow phase diagram was calculated from this basis, describing the composition of the solid phase for a particular design of vacuum furnace. It was demonstrated that to grow pure silicon carbide, it is necessary to ensure the pressure of carbon monoxide less than a certain value and its flow more than a certain value, depending on the temperature of the process. The elastic fields around vacancies formed were considered for the first time in calculating the topochemical reaction. It was shown that the anisotropy of these fields in a cubic crystal increases the constant of the main reaction approximately fourfold.
Smirnov V.A., Denisov N.N., Plotnikov V.G., Alfimov M.V.
High Energy Chemistry scimago Q4 wos Q4
2016-01-21 citations by CoLab: 7 Abstract  
Experimentally revealed features of thermal and photochemical deoxidation of graphene oxide (GO) in films are reported. A difference in mechanism between the photoreduction and thermal reduction of GO has been shown. The mechanism of photochemical deoxidation of graphene oxide has been rationalized using the concepts of molecular photochemistry. A new model of photoelimination of molecular oxygen from epoxy groups on graphene nanosheet has been proposed. The photoprocesses lead to growing of π-domains of graphene.
Mokrozub V.G., Nemtinov V.A.
The structure and components of a virtual office intended for automation of the design of chemical equipment and to help students study the basics of design and construction of chemical equipment is described. An approach to the addition of smart features to a virtual office with the use of a relational database for knowledge storage is proposed. The structure of a database containing production rules is considered using as an example a base of standard dimensions of elements of chemical equipment.
Kiselev D.A., Afanasiev M.S., Levashov S.A., Chucheva G.V.
Physics of the Solid State scimago Q4 wos Q4
2015-06-15 citations by CoLab: 10 Abstract  
The possibility of the formation of stable domain states in Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 films on the initial surface and in a preliminarily polarized region of the film has been demonstrated using piezoresponse force microscopy. The velocity of lateral motion of a domain wall, coercive field, minimal domain size, and recording time for the domain formation under the applied voltage have been calculated.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
1996-2024 (29 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

General Physics and Astronomy, 11, 26.83%
Surfaces, Coatings and Films, 10, 24.39%
Condensed Matter Physics, 6, 14.63%
Instrumentation, 6, 14.63%
Materials Chemistry, 5, 12.2%
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, 5, 12.2%
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 4, 9.76%
Spectroscopy, 3, 7.32%
General Medicine, 2, 4.88%
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, 2, 4.88%
Bioengineering, 2, 4.88%
Surfaces and Interfaces, 2, 4.88%
Nuclear and High Energy Physics, 2, 4.88%
Metals and Alloys, 1, 2.44%
General Chemistry, 1, 2.44%
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 1, 2.44%
Analytical Chemistry, 1, 2.44%
Applied Mathematics, 1, 2.44%



Citing journals

Journal not defined, 15, 13.04%
Show all (7 more)



Organizations from articles

Organization not defined, 9, 21.95%

Countries from articles

Russia, 37, 90.24%
Country not defined, 4, 9.76%
Germany, 1, 2.44%
Belarus, 1, 2.44%
Azerbaijan, 1, 2.44%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 20, 17.39%
Show all (11 more)

Citing countries

Russia, 35, 30.43%
Country not defined, 10, 8.7%
Japan, 9, 7.83%
Germany, 5, 4.35%
China, 5, 4.35%
Italy, 5, 4.35%
Ukraine, 2, 1.74%
Austria, 2, 1.74%
Belgium, 2, 1.74%
Republic of Korea, 2, 1.74%
Brazil, 1, 0.87%
United Kingdom, 1, 0.87%
Hungary, 1, 0.87%
India, 1, 0.87%
Canada, 1, 0.87%
Switzerland, 1, 0.87%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
Виктор Александрович Быков, Владимир Константинович Егоров, Евгений Владимирович Егоров
RU2486626C2, 2011
Виктор Александрович Быков, Владимир Константинович Егоров, Евгений Владимирович Егоров
RU2528561C2, 2011
Владимир Константинович Егоров, Евгений Матвеевич Лукьянченко, Вячеслав Николаевич Руденко, Евгений Владимирович Егоров
RU2555191, 2015