Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
1991-2024 (34 years)
Metrics description
A scientist has an h-index if h of his N publications are cited at least h times each, while the remaining (N - h) publications are cited no more than h times each.
The number of the author's publications that received at least 10 links each.
The researcher's m-index is numerically equal to the ratio of his h-index to the number of years that have passed since the first publication.
The geometric mean of the h-index and the number of citations of the most cited article of the scientist.
For a given set of articles, sorted in descending order of the number of citations that these articles received, the g-index is the largest number such that the g most cited articles received (in total) at least g2 citations.
If w articles of a researcher have at least 10w citations each and other publications are less than 10(w+1) citations, then the researcher's w-index is equal to w.
Fields of science
Earth-Surface Processes
Earth-Surface Processes, 20, 29.41%
Earth-Surface Processes
20 publications, 29.41%
Global and Planetary Change
Global and Planetary Change, 11, 16.18%
Global and Planetary Change
11 publications, 16.18%
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous), 7, 10.29%
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
7 publications, 10.29%
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
General Earth and Planetary Sciences, 7, 10.29%
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
7 publications, 10.29%
Archeology, 7, 10.29%
7 publications, 10.29%
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics, 6, 8.82%
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
6 publications, 8.82%
Water Science and Technology
Water Science and Technology, 6, 8.82%
Water Science and Technology
6 publications, 8.82%
Geology, 6, 8.82%
6 publications, 8.82%
Oceanography, 5, 7.35%
5 publications, 7.35%
Paleontology, 4, 5.88%
4 publications, 5.88%
Ecology, 3, 4.41%
3 publications, 4.41%
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous), 3, 4.41%
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)
3 publications, 4.41%
Multidisciplinary, 2, 2.94%
2 publications, 2.94%
Geochemistry and Petrology
Geochemistry and Petrology, 2, 2.94%
Geochemistry and Petrology
2 publications, 2.94%
Geography, Planning and Development
Geography, Planning and Development, 2, 2.94%
Geography, Planning and Development
2 publications, 2.94%
General Engineering
General Engineering, 1, 1.47%
General Engineering
1 publication, 1.47%
Atmospheric Science
Atmospheric Science, 1, 1.47%
Atmospheric Science
1 publication, 1.47%
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes, 1, 1.47%
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
1 publication, 1.47%
Nature and Landscape Conservation
Nature and Landscape Conservation, 1, 1.47%
Nature and Landscape Conservation
1 publication, 1.47%
Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous), 1, 1.47%
Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
1 publication, 1.47%
Stratigraphy, 1, 1.47%
1 publication, 1.47%
Citing journals
21 publications, 30.88%
Pleiades Publishing
8 publications, 11.76%
6 publications, 8.82%
6 publications, 8.82%
Akademizdatcenter Nauka
5 publications, 7.35%
3 publications, 4.41%
Limnological Institute SB RAS
3 publications, 4.41%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2 publications, 2.94%
The Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 2.94%
Cambridge University Press
1 publication, 1.47%
Springer Nature
1 publication, 1.47%
Taylor & Francis
1 publication, 1.47%
1 publication, 1.47%
Geological Society of America
1 publication, 1.47%
IOP Publishing
1 publication, 1.47%
Volgograd State University
1 publication, 1.47%
Russian Geographical Society
1 publication, 1.47%
Organizations from articles
Countries from articles
Citing organizations
Organization not defined
Organization not defined, 329, 19.62%
Organization not defined
329 citations, 19.62%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
126 citations, 7.51%
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
125 citations, 7.45%
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
76 citations, 4.53%
Tomsk State University
52 citations, 3.1%
University of Helsinki
51 citations, 3.04%
University of California, Los Angeles
43 citations, 2.56%
Stockholm University
39 citations, 2.33%
Lund University
31 citations, 1.85%
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
26 citations, 1.55%
Laverov Federal Center of Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
26 citations, 1.55%
Lanzhou University
25 citations, 1.49%
University of Potsdam
25 citations, 1.49%
University of Bern
24 citations, 1.43%
Free University of Berlin
23 citations, 1.37%
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
22 citations, 1.31%
University of Copenhagen
22 citations, 1.31%
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
22 citations, 1.31%
Aarhus University
21 citations, 1.25%
North-Eastern Federal University
20 citations, 1.19%
University of Bergen
20 citations, 1.19%
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
20 citations, 1.19%
Utrecht University
20 citations, 1.19%
University College London
18 citations, 1.07%
Université du Québec à Montréal
18 citations, 1.07%
University of Montpellier
18 citations, 1.07%
A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences
17 citations, 1.01%
Kazan Federal University
16 citations, 0.95%
Lehigh University
16 citations, 0.95%
University of Exeter
16 citations, 0.95%
Saint Petersburg State University
15 citations, 0.89%
University of Southampton
15 citations, 0.89%
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
15 citations, 0.89%
University of Cologne
15 citations, 0.89%
University of Bristol
15 citations, 0.89%
University of Göttingen
15 citations, 0.89%
University of New Hampshire
15 citations, 0.89%
Sukachev Institute of Forest of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
14 citations, 0.83%
Yugra State University
14 citations, 0.83%
University of Minnesota
14 citations, 0.83%
Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
13 citations, 0.78%
Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
13 citations, 0.78%
Uppsala University
13 citations, 0.78%
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
13 citations, 0.78%
University of Oxford
13 citations, 0.78%
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
13 citations, 0.78%
University of Colorado Boulder
13 citations, 0.78%
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
12 citations, 0.72%
University of Oslo
12 citations, 0.72%
National Institute for Environmental Studies
12 citations, 0.72%
University of Innsbruck
12 citations, 0.72%
Université Paris-Saclay
12 citations, 0.72%
Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 citations, 0.66%
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 citations, 0.66%
Umeå University
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Cambridge
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Waterloo
11 citations, 0.66%
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
11 citations, 0.66%
Kiel University
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Leeds
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Lodz
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Alberta
11 citations, 0.66%
University of Florida
11 citations, 0.66%
National Center for Atmospheric Research
11 citations, 0.66%
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11 citations, 0.66%
Tallinn University of Technology
11 citations, 0.66%
V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 0.6%
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 0.6%
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 citations, 0.6%
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
10 citations, 0.6%
Northeast Normal University
10 citations, 0.6%
University of Oulu
10 citations, 0.6%
Geological Survey of Finland
10 citations, 0.6%
Queen's University Belfast
10 citations, 0.6%
University of Plymouth
10 citations, 0.6%
United States Geological Survey
10 citations, 0.6%
Penza State University
9 citations, 0.54%
A. P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 citations, 0.54%
V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 citations, 0.54%
North-East Interdisciplinary Science Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Tübingen
9 citations, 0.54%
Aix-Marseille University
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Bordeaux
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Washington
9 citations, 0.54%
McGill University
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Greifswald
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Granada
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Tartu
9 citations, 0.54%
University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
9 citations, 0.54%
Nature Research Centre
9 citations, 0.54%
Tula State University
8 citations, 0.48%
Orel State University
8 citations, 0.48%
Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 citations, 0.48%
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences
8 citations, 0.48%
Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 citations, 0.48%
Beijing Normal University
8 citations, 0.48%
Linnaeus University
8 citations, 0.48%
Sapienza University of Rome
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Basel
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Eastern Finland
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Nottingham
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Birmingham
8 citations, 0.48%
Columbia University
8 citations, 0.48%
Northern Arizona University
8 citations, 0.48%
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
8 citations, 0.48%
Hamburg University
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Toronto
8 citations, 0.48%
University of York
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Latvia
8 citations, 0.48%
University of Tyumen
7 citations, 0.42%
Pacific Geographical Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 citations, 0.42%
Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 citations, 0.42%
ETH Zurich
7 citations, 0.42%
University of Lausanne
7 citations, 0.42%
Sun Yat-sen University
7 citations, 0.42%
University of Manchester
7 citations, 0.42%
Monash University
7 citations, 0.42%
University of Arizona
7 citations, 0.42%
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
7 citations, 0.42%
Goethe University Frankfurt
7 citations, 0.42%
University of Tokyo
7 citations, 0.42%
University of Reading
7 citations, 0.42%
Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
7 citations, 0.42%
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
7 citations, 0.42%
Nicolaus Copernicus University
7 citations, 0.42%
National Research University Higher School of Economics
6 citations, 0.36%
Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 citations, 0.36%
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 citations, 0.36%
Siberian Federal University
6 citations, 0.36%
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 citations, 0.36%
Heidelberg University
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Turku
6 citations, 0.36%
Université Catholique de Louvain
6 citations, 0.36%
Brunel University London
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Edinburgh
6 citations, 0.36%
Charles University
6 citations, 0.36%
Zhejiang Normal University
6 citations, 0.36%
Newcastle University
6 citations, 0.36%
Henan University
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Aberdeen
6 citations, 0.36%
Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
6 citations, 0.36%
McMaster University
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Münster
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Amsterdam
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Cantabria
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Cincinnati
6 citations, 0.36%
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
6 citations, 0.36%
Tallinn University
6 citations, 0.36%
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
6 citations, 0.36%
University of Szczecin
6 citations, 0.36%
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
6 citations, 0.36%
Institute of Biology Komi SC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
5 citations, 0.3%
Geological Institute of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Radboud University Nijmegen
5 citations, 0.3%
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Gothenburg
5 citations, 0.3%
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
5 citations, 0.3%
Sorbonne University
5 citations, 0.3%
Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering
5 citations, 0.3%
Ohio State University
5 citations, 0.3%
Yunnan Normal University
5 citations, 0.3%
Vienna University of Technology
5 citations, 0.3%
Nagoya University
5 citations, 0.3%
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Queen's University at Kingston
5 citations, 0.3%
Pedagogical University of Kraków
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Wisconsin–Madison
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Maryland, College Park
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Sheffield
5 citations, 0.3%
Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Guelph
5 citations, 0.3%
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
5 citations, 0.3%
Natural Resources Canada
5 citations, 0.3%
Canadian Forest Service
5 citations, 0.3%
Geological Survey of Canada
5 citations, 0.3%
University of Gdańsk
5 citations, 0.3%
Masaryk University
5 citations, 0.3%
Winogradsky Institute of Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
Paleontological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
4 citations, 0.24%
Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Science Center" of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute
4 citations, 0.24%
Xi'an Jiaotong University
4 citations, 0.24%
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Bayreuth
4 citations, 0.24%
Humboldt University of Berlin
4 citations, 0.24%
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
4 citations, 0.24%
Nanjing University
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Geneva
4 citations, 0.24%
Australian National University
4 citations, 0.24%
South China Normal University
4 citations, 0.24%
Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
4 citations, 0.24%
Imperial College London
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Lapland
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Liverpool
4 citations, 0.24%
Royal Holloway University of London
4 citations, 0.24%
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
4 citations, 0.24%
Cornell University
4 citations, 0.24%
Yale University
4 citations, 0.24%
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
4 citations, 0.24%
Northwest University
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Ferrara
4 citations, 0.24%
Pennsylvania State University
4 citations, 0.24%
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
4 citations, 0.24%
Stanford University
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Illinois at Chicago
4 citations, 0.24%
Colorado State University
4 citations, 0.24%
Los Alamos National Laboratory
4 citations, 0.24%
University of California, Riverside
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Texas at Austin
4 citations, 0.24%
Leibniz University Hannover
4 citations, 0.24%
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
4 citations, 0.24%
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
4 citations, 0.24%
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4 citations, 0.24%
RWTH Aachen University
4 citations, 0.24%
Leiden University
4 citations, 0.24%
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Hohenheim
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Augsburg
4 citations, 0.24%
Brown University
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Groningen
4 citations, 0.24%
Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Bremen
4 citations, 0.24%
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
4 citations, 0.24%
Wageningen University and Research Centre
4 citations, 0.24%
University of Victoria
4 citations, 0.24%
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology
4 citations, 0.24%
City College of New York
4 citations, 0.24%
Texas A&M University
4 citations, 0.24%
École pratique des hautes études
4 citations, 0.24%
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
4 citations, 0.24%
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
4 citations, 0.24%
Meteorological Office
4 citations, 0.24%
Natural Environment Research Council
4 citations, 0.24%
École de Technologie Supérieure
4 citations, 0.24%
British Geological Survey
4 citations, 0.24%
China Geological Survey
4 citations, 0.24%
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
4 citations, 0.24%
Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Perm State National Research University
3 citations, 0.18%
Novosibirsk State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Volgograd State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Institute of Geology Komi SC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
3 citations, 0.18%
Institute of the Earth’s Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
P. I. Melnikov Permafrost Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Earth Cryosphere Institute TSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Saint-Petersburg Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Institute of Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Eskisehir Osmangazi University
3 citations, 0.18%
Hebei Normal University
3 citations, 0.18%
Delft University of Technology
3 citations, 0.18%
East China Normal University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Milano-Bicocca
3 citations, 0.18%
Autonomous University of Barcelona
3 citations, 0.18%
Durham University
3 citations, 0.18%
Queen Mary University of London
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Jyväskylä
3 citations, 0.18%
Technical University of Denmark
3 citations, 0.18%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 citations, 0.18%
National Taiwan University
3 citations, 0.18%
Michigan State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Northeast Forestry University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Florence
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Bari Aldo Moro
3 citations, 0.18%
University of South-Eastern Norway
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Messina
3 citations, 0.18%
Iowa State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Boston University
3 citations, 0.18%
Princeton University
3 citations, 0.18%
North Carolina State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Northwest A&F University
3 citations, 0.18%
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
3 citations, 0.18%
Oregon State University
3 citations, 0.18%
Trinity College Dublin
3 citations, 0.18%
Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
3 citations, 0.18%
University of St Andrews
3 citations, 0.18%
Xinjiang University
3 citations, 0.18%
Swansea University
3 citations, 0.18%
Collège de France
3 citations, 0.18%
Université de Sherbrooke
3 citations, 0.18%
Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
3 citations, 0.18%
Hokkaido University
3 citations, 0.18%
Purdue University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Vienna
3 citations, 0.18%
Kyoto Prefectural University
3 citations, 0.18%
National University of Mongolia
3 citations, 0.18%
Silesian University of Technology
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Warsaw
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Wrocław
3 citations, 0.18%
Trent University
3 citations, 0.18%
Wilfrid Laurier University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Calgary
3 citations, 0.18%
Carleton University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Murcia
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Leicester
3 citations, 0.18%
Andalusian Earth Sciences Institute
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Vigo
3 citations, 0.18%
Texas A&M University at Galveston
3 citations, 0.18%
Goddard Space Flight Center
3 citations, 0.18%
Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
Abdelmalek Essaâdi University
3 citations, 0.18%
University College Dublin
3 citations, 0.18%
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
3 citations, 0.18%
Bangor University
3 citations, 0.18%
Babes-Bolyai University
3 citations, 0.18%
Estonian University of Life Sciences
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Brighton
3 citations, 0.18%
British Antarctic Survey
3 citations, 0.18%
Vilnius University
3 citations, 0.18%
University of Silesia in Katowice
3 citations, 0.18%
Institute of Water and Ecology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute of Biological Problems of the North of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
![]() Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
2 citations, 0.12%
![]() Federal Research Centre “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Industrial University of Tyumen
2 citations, 0.12%
Siberian State Medical University
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute for Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
2 citations, 0.12%
Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Irkutsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Istanbul Technical University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Tehran
2 citations, 0.12%
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
2 citations, 0.12%
Dumlupinar University
2 citations, 0.12%
Zhejiang University
2 citations, 0.12%
Peking University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Liège
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Strasbourg
2 citations, 0.12%
Linköping University
2 citations, 0.12%
Grenoble Alpes University
2 citations, 0.12%
Nanjing Normal University
2 citations, 0.12%
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
2 citations, 0.12%
Mid Sweden University
2 citations, 0.12%
Shandong University of Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Zurich
2 citations, 0.12%
Swedish Museum of Natural History
2 citations, 0.12%
Capital Normal University
2 citations, 0.12%
Shaanxi Normal University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Neuchâtel
2 citations, 0.12%
Xiamen University
2 citations, 0.12%
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2 citations, 0.12%
Finnish Environment Institute
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Padua
2 citations, 0.12%
Nantong University
2 citations, 0.12%
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
2 citations, 0.12%
National University of Singapore
2 citations, 0.12%
Shenyang University
2 citations, 0.12%
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Stavanger
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Pisa
2 citations, 0.12%
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Parma
2 citations, 0.12%
California Institute of Technology
2 citations, 0.12%
Argonne National Laboratory
2 citations, 0.12%
Agricultural Research Council
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
2 citations, 0.12%
GNS Science
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Adelaide
2 citations, 0.12%
Curtin University
2 citations, 0.12%
Macquarie University
2 citations, 0.12%
Australian Research Council
2 citations, 0.12%
Flinders University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of the Witwatersrand
2 citations, 0.12%
Dalhousie University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Iceland
2 citations, 0.12%
Arizona State University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of California, Berkeley
2 citations, 0.12%
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
2 citations, 0.12%
University of California, Santa Barbara
2 citations, 0.12%
University of California, Santa Cruz
2 citations, 0.12%
Aberystwyth University
2 citations, 0.12%
Yunnan University
2 citations, 0.12%
Tohoku University
2 citations, 0.12%
Chuxiong Normal University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Szeged
2 citations, 0.12%
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2 citations, 0.12%
Ohio University
2 citations, 0.12%
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
2 citations, 0.12%
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
2 citations, 0.12%
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
2 citations, 0.12%
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Michigan
2 citations, 0.12%
University of British Columbia
2 citations, 0.12%
National Autonomous University of Mexico
2 citations, 0.12%
Technical University of Braunschweig
2 citations, 0.12%
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
2 citations, 0.12%
Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Philipps University of Marburg
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
2 citations, 0.12%
Leipzig University
2 citations, 0.12%
Forschungszentrum Jülich
2 citations, 0.12%
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Salzburg
2 citations, 0.12%
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
2 citations, 0.12%
AGH University of Krakow
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
2 citations, 0.12%
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
2 citations, 0.12%
Universidad de Alcalá
2 citations, 0.12%
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté
2 citations, 0.12%
Naturalis Biodiversity Center
2 citations, 0.12%
Université Laval
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Barcelona
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Ottawa
2 citations, 0.12%
Florida Atlantic University
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Santiago de Compostela
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Saskatchewan
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Sussex
2 citations, 0.12%
Tanta University
2 citations, 0.12%
Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
University of A Coruña
2 citations, 0.12%
University of the Balearic Islands
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Delaware
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Utah
2 citations, 0.12%
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 0.12%
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
2 citations, 0.12%
Université du Québec à Rimouski
2 citations, 0.12%
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
2 citations, 0.12%
National Oceanography Centre
2 citations, 0.12%
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2 citations, 0.12%
University of São Paulo
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Novi Sad
2 citations, 0.12%
University of Bialystok
2 citations, 0.12%
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of General and Experimental Biology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
N.N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Ural Federal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
1 citation, 0.06%
South Ural State University
1 citation, 0.06%
![]() Far East Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
1 citation, 0.06%
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
1 citation, 0.06%
Irkutsk State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics
1 citation, 0.06%
Vyatka State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Udmurt State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Nazarbayev University
1 citation, 0.06%
Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Tuvan State University
1 citation, 0.06%
State Hydrological Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of the problems of northern development TSC of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
1 citation, 0.06%
All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Ocean
1 citation, 0.06%
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
1 citation, 0.06%
![]() Institute of Geology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Yakutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Language, Literature and History Komi SC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
1 citation, 0.06%
F.F. Erisman Federal Scientific Center of Hygiene of Rospotebnadzor
1 citation, 0.06%
Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory
1 citation, 0.06%
South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
1 citation, 0.06%
Siberian Federal Scientific Center for Agrobiotechnology of Russian Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Samarkand State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Botany named after A.L. Takhtajan National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
1 citation, 0.06%
Ege University
1 citation, 0.06%
Istanbul University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Delhi
1 citation, 0.06%
Higher Colleges of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Calcutta
1 citation, 0.06%
Savitribai Phule Pune University
1 citation, 0.06%
Bursa Technical University
1 citation, 0.06%
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
1 citation, 0.06%
Yazd University
1 citation, 0.06%
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
1 citation, 0.06%
Harbin Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
National Physical Laboratory of India
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Cyprus
1 citation, 0.06%
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
1 citation, 0.06%
South China University of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Tongji University
1 citation, 0.06%
Jilin University
1 citation, 0.06%
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Ardahan University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Genoa
1 citation, 0.06%
Technical University of Munich
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Lorraine
1 citation, 0.06%
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Lucknow
1 citation, 0.06%
Indian Space Research Organisation
1 citation, 0.06%
Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Fujian Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Nanjing Agricultural University
1 citation, 0.06%
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
1 citation, 0.06%
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Malmö University
1 citation, 0.06%
Wuhan University
1 citation, 0.06%
Paul Scherrer Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1 citation, 0.06%
Södertörn University
1 citation, 0.06%
Hashemite University
1 citation, 0.06%
Chongqing Three Gorges University
1 citation, 0.06%
Southwest University
1 citation, 0.06%
Technische Universität Dresden
1 citation, 0.06%
National Geophysical Research Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
University of New South Wales
1 citation, 0.06%
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Hunan Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Henan Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Jinan University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Bologna
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Turin
1 citation, 0.06%
Nanyang Technological University
1 citation, 0.06%
Shandong Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Warwick
1 citation, 0.06%
Tianjin University
1 citation, 0.06%
Inner Mongolia University
1 citation, 0.06%
Finnish Meteorological Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Palermo
1 citation, 0.06%
Hohai University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Antwerp
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Southern California
1 citation, 0.06%
Shantou University
1 citation, 0.06%
Southwest Petroleum University
1 citation, 0.06%
Chengdu University of Information Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Kingston University
1 citation, 0.06%
Eastern Liaoning University
1 citation, 0.06%
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Perugia
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Sydney
1 citation, 0.06%
Daqing Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Sanming University
1 citation, 0.06%
Guizhou University
1 citation, 0.06%
Guizhou Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Guizhou Education University
1 citation, 0.06%
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Trieste
1 citation, 0.06%
Chang'an University
1 citation, 0.06%
Marche Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.06%
Qingdao University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Glasgow
1 citation, 0.06%
Qufu Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Linyi University
1 citation, 0.06%
Roma Tre University
1 citation, 0.06%
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
1 citation, 0.06%
Tuscia University
1 citation, 0.06%
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Marine Science
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
1 citation, 0.06%
Guglielmo Marconi University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Macerata
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Auckland
1 citation, 0.06%
Massey University
1 citation, 0.06%
Victoria University of Wellington
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Waikato
1 citation, 0.06%
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Deakin University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Wollongong
1 citation, 0.06%
University of South Australia
1 citation, 0.06%
James Cook University
1 citation, 0.06%
Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
1 citation, 0.06%
Southern Cross University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Cape Town
1 citation, 0.06%
Nelson Mandela University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Muhammadiyah Malang
1 citation, 0.06%
Washington State University
1 citation, 0.06%
Yonsei University
1 citation, 0.06%
Auburn University
1 citation, 0.06%
Washington University in St. Louis
1 citation, 0.06%
Northwestern University
1 citation, 0.06%
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Hong Kong
1 citation, 0.06%
George Mason University
1 citation, 0.06%
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1 citation, 0.06%
Duke University
1 citation, 0.06%
Syracuse University
1 citation, 0.06%
Harvard University
1 citation, 0.06%
Technical University of Berlin
1 citation, 0.06%
University of California, Davis
1 citation, 0.06%
San Diego State University
1 citation, 0.06%
University at Buffalo, State University of New York
1 citation, 0.06%
University of California, Irvine
1 citation, 0.06%
University of California, Merced
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
1 citation, 0.06%
Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Anyang Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Kunming University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Korea Polar Research Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Hunan University
1 citation, 0.06%
Changsha University of Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Hengyang Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Debrecen
1 citation, 0.06%
Eötvös Loránd University (University of Budapest)
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Pecs
1 citation, 0.06%
Centre for Ecological Research
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Central Florida
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Texas at Dallas
1 citation, 0.06%
Vanderbilt University
1 citation, 0.06%
National Technical University of Athens
1 citation, 0.06%
Harokopio University of Athens
1 citation, 0.06%
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
1 citation, 0.06%
Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Applications
1 citation, 0.06%
Autonomous University of Madrid
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Patras
1 citation, 0.06%
Northwest Normal University
1 citation, 0.06%
Lanzhou Jiaotong University
1 citation, 0.06%
Nanchang Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Yichun University
1 citation, 0.06%
Aegean University
1 citation, 0.06%
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology
1 citation, 0.06%
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
1 citation, 0.06%
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
1 citation, 0.06%
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe
1 citation, 0.06%
Keele University
1 citation, 0.06%
Western Illinois University
1 citation, 0.06%
Michigan Technological University
1 citation, 0.06%
Simon Fraser University
1 citation, 0.06%
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Dartmouth College
1 citation, 0.06%
German Aerospace Center
1 citation, 0.06%
Jan Kochanowski University
1 citation, 0.06%
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
1 citation, 0.06%
University Medical Center Utrecht
1 citation, 0.06%
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Regensburg
1 citation, 0.06%
Constructor University
1 citation, 0.06%
Jagiellonian University
1 citation, 0.06%
University Medical Center Groningen
1 citation, 0.06%
Avignon University
1 citation, 0.06%
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
1 citation, 0.06%
Berlin Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
Cardiff University
1 citation, 0.06%
Federal Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming named after Prof. B.M. Zhitkov
1 citation, 0.06%
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
1 citation, 0.06%
Austrian Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Virginia Commonwealth University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Wisconsin–La Crosse
1 citation, 0.06%
Kyushu University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
1 citation, 0.06%
Gifu University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Shizuoka
1 citation, 0.06%
Hosei University
1 citation, 0.06%
National Institute of Polar Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
1 citation, 0.06%
Kitami Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Porto
1 citation, 0.06%
Baylor University
1 citation, 0.06%
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
Netherlands Institute of Ecology
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Pennsylvania
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Texas at El Paso
1 citation, 0.06%
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille
1 citation, 0.06%
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1 citation, 0.06%
1 citation, 0.06%
York University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of East Anglia
1 citation, 0.06%
Western University
1 citation, 0.06%
Laurentian University
1 citation, 0.06%
Brock University
1 citation, 0.06%
Lakehead University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Manitoba
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Ljubljana
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Rovira i Virgili
1 citation, 0.06%
Jaume I University
1 citation, 0.06%
Cranfield University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Miami
1 citation, 0.06%
Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies
1 citation, 0.06%
Louisiana State University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Rochester
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Texas at Arlington
1 citation, 0.06%
Polytechnic University of Cartagena
1 citation, 0.06%
Agrifood Research and Technology Centre of Aragon
1 citation, 0.06%
Florida Institute of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Old Dominion University
1 citation, 0.06%
Environment and Climate Change Canada
1 citation, 0.06%
Spanish Geological Survey Institute
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Nebraska at Omaha
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
1 citation, 0.06%
Université Côte d'Azur
1 citation, 0.06%
Université Clermont Auvergne
1 citation, 0.06%
1 citation, 0.06%
Observatoire de Paris
1 citation, 0.06%
National Research Center on Human Evolution
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Tennessee
1 citation, 0.06%
Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1 citation, 0.06%
China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Ames Research Center
1 citation, 0.06%
South Valley University
1 citation, 0.06%
Jimma University
1 citation, 0.06%
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
1 citation, 0.06%
Coventry University
1 citation, 0.06%
Université de Moncton
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Lethbridge
1 citation, 0.06%
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
1 citation, 0.06%
Rothamsted Research
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Hull
1 citation, 0.06%
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Stirling
1 citation, 0.06%
Bournemouth University
1 citation, 0.06%
Université de Lille
1 citation, 0.06%
Technical University in Zvolen
1 citation, 0.06%
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Central Lancashire
1 citation, 0.06%
Matej Bel University
1 citation, 0.06%
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
1 citation, 0.06%
Tribhuvan University
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Malta
1 citation, 0.06%
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
1 citation, 0.06%
Universidad Simón Bolívar
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Galway
1 citation, 0.06%
Universidade Federal Fluminense
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Rzeszów
1 citation, 0.06%
West Pomeranian University of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
1 citation, 0.06%
French Institute of Health and Medical Research
1 citation, 0.06%
Institut Gustave Roussy
1 citation, 0.06%
Brno University of Technology
1 citation, 0.06%
University of Ostrava
1 citation, 0.06%
Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3
1 citation, 0.06%
Mongolian National University of Education
1 citation, 0.06%
Citing countries
- We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
- Statistics recalculated daily.