Karpenko, Julia V

PhD in Engineering


Far Eastern Federal University
2018 — 2020, Master, Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Microbiology
Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University
2010 — 2018, Postgraduate, Institute of Food Production


2020, Candidate , Технология мясных, молочных и рыбных продуктов и холодильных производств, 05.18.04
Pivnenko T.N., Karpenko Y.V., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Kraschenko V.V., Esipenko R.V.
2021-07-04 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Application conditions of the ACTIVA® TG-TI transglutaminase combined with setting agents (gelatine and chitosans of various modifications) are substantiated for moulded food processing from waterlogged fish raw materials targeted by deep-water fishery, i.e. giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis). It was shown that combining different setting agents ensures time reduction of gel formation with a minor change in their development and melting temperatures. Adding an enzyme preparation leads to the formation of thermostable gels with a 1.5-fold increased strength. When forming gels from the grenadier muscle tissue in the presence of setting agents of different concentrations, the quality of soluble muscle proteins reduces, most prominently with gelatine and chitosan ascorbate. Physicochemical parameters of the structured gels prepared from the muscle tissue of giant grenadier (moisture retention capacity, tensile strength, water activity) and their organoleptic profiles were measured. Based on the results, we have shown that adding 3% of gela-tine, 0.06% of high-molecular chitosan and 1% of transglutaminase may be employed for processing moulded fish products. The digestibility of the protein components in obtained samples did not depend on fermentation. The overall protein deposition was between 0.38 and 0.56% of the sample mass. The total biological value of samples ranged from 78 to 134% when studying their effect on the growth of T. pyriformis testing culture.
Pivnenko T.N., Karpenko Y.V., Krashchenko V.V., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Esipenko R.V.
2020-05-02 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The composition of muscle tissues of a deep-sea species, the giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis), and a mesopelagic species, the Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), are compared. Grenadier is proved to have a higher moisture content (91.7%) and lower protein (7.4%) and lipid (0.3%) contents. The factors responsible for the softening and moisture separation during processing of grenadier are identified. Contents of some fractions of non-protein nitrogenous components, including trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) and free amino acids, are clarified. The proportion of the main myofibrillar proteins myosin and actin, which is considered as an indicator of efficiency of structure formation in fish muscle tissue during processing, is almost 20% lower in giant grenadier than in pollock. The effects of endogenous protease, Ca2+-ATPase and transglutaminase on the processes of autolysis, denaturation, and possibility of myofibrillar proteins cross-linking were also studied. The proposed technology of getting a nutritionally balanced, gel-like, ready-to-use foodstuff from grenadier fillet includes its enrichment with pollock muscle tissue and supplementing with a binary structure-forming agent containing collagen and chitosan. Nutritional value of the products is assessed by the method of biological assay and by determining the denaturation changes of myofibrillar proteins. The modes of fine mincing and thermal processing, as well as the shelf-life of the finished product are justified. The developed technology of producing a ready-to-eat food from giant grenadier will allow a more efficient use of this underutilized resource.
Karpenko Y., Kraschenko V., Panchishina E., Safronova T.
2019-12-11 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Introduction. The research features a detailed sensory evaluation of mass fishing objects belonging to different families, namely: the Macrouridae represented by the giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis), the Herrings represented by the Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), and the Salmons represented by the Keta salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). The research objective was to study the possibility of increasing the information content of the verbal description of fish raw materials in combination with a quantitative assessment of individual sensory indicators. Research objects and methods. The paper introduces the concept of detailed verbal description of group parameters of raw and heattreated muscle tissue. The description can increase the information capacity of sensory studies. The concept of extended description of fish raw material was added to the main sensory properties that describe color, smell, taste, and consistency. They include data on the properties of local areas with subcutaneous layer, dark muscles, fat layers, etc. Such a detailed verbal description gives an in-depth view of the sensory properties, which is part of general information on the functional and technological properties of the fish and a key factor in designing new developed products. To improve the objectivity of sensory research, the authors employed the method of quantitative evaluation. Results and discussion. The results were summed up as data on the significance coefficients established by experts, ranked, and expressed as a percentage. The significance coefficient is a method of quantitative regulation of the share of each sensory indicator in the general sensory evaluation. The research showed that the greater the number of group sensory indicators that characterize the object, the smaller and more similar their coefficients of significance, which dramatically reduces application opportunities. Therefore, significance coefficient proved a convenient means of measurement and visual presentation. However, the research was limited by the experimental conditions. Conclusion. The study of the fish raw materials established, identified, and described individual sensory indicators that involved about twenty lexical units for raw material and thirty units for heat-treated muscle tissue. The individual sensory indicators characterized color, smell, and taste. They differed in the presence of several degrees of gradation and fit into a vertical three-level (sometimes two-level) classification. Group touch indicator of the consistency describes mostly single-level unit indicators with 4–6 lexical units. As a result, the detailed description of sensory properties of fish raw materials included 2–3 times more lexical units compared to the traditional description of fish raw materials in the special reference literature.
Pivnenko T., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Esipenko R.V., Mikheev E.V.
2025-01-27 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract   Cites 1
The purpose of research is to study the dependence of the quality of raw and finished products from a promising for fishing and processing deep-sea fish species – black grenadier Coryphaenoides acrolepis – on processing and storage conditions. The fish was caught in the South Kuril subzone of the Sea of Okhotsk at a depth of 1000 m. Tasks: determination of the size-mass composition, functional-technological and physical and chemical properties of muscle tissue of two size groups of this species, the study of the rheological parameters of raw fish before and after heat treatment at various cutting and storage methods, as well as repeated freezing / thawing. The study was conducted in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Innovative Biotechnologies of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University in Vladivostok. The following indicators were used as the main criteria for evaluating the functional and technological properties of fish muscle tissue: watering coefficient (Ko); protein-water ratio (BVK); structure formation coefficient (Kst); conditional protein coefficient (Kb); lipid-protein coefficient (Kf). The absence of significant differences in all studied parameters in two size groups before and after heat treatment is shown. Storage of carcasses and fillets in a catering establishment for 3 months to a greater extent affected the quality of carcasses in the direction of increasing the strength of muscle tissue. Repeated multiple freezing, used to search for the cause of the appearance of specimens with a rubbery consistency of muscle tissue, showed the absence of causal relationships of these processes and was confirmed by studies of changes in the molecular weight distribution of protein fractions of muscle tissue before and after storage by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Pivnenko T.N., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Panchishina E.M., Esipenko R.V.
The conducted study was aimed at validating a technology for processing a deep-sea fishing species of the Pacific Basin (giant grenadier) using the sous-vide method and enzymatic rearrangement of muscle tissue. The physicochemical properties of muscle tissue at different processing stages were determined, as well as changes in protein fractions; the proposed technology and conventional heat treatment methods were compared; rational process parameters were established; the stability of finished products during storage and their safety characteristics were analyzed. With the use of different processing methods (cooking in water, steam treatment, and sous-vide), the quality indicators reflect a decrease in density, destruction of the muscle tissue structure, and loss of consumer appeal of finished products in all cases. For the sous-vide method, the process losses were significantly lower, which corresponded to a lower degree of protein denaturation. In order to achieve the required quality indicators, giant grenadier muscle tissue was preliminarily rearranged using transglutaminase to form cross-links between protein molecules. Gelatin and chitosan lactate served as additional substrates, enhancing the polymerization of endogenous proteins. The products maintained their structural integrity with an increase in strength. The paper examines the effect of transglutaminase on the binding of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins with the formation of macromolecular conjugates. With six-month freezer storage of samples, no significant changes in the physicochemical parameters were observed, including the degree of protein denaturation and the strength of finished products. During storage, microbial contamination did not exceed 102 CFU/g for all samples. The addition of chitosan lactate significantly reduced the growth of psychrophilic microorganisms.
Pivnenko T.N., Karpenko Y.V., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Kraschenko V.V., Esipenko R.V.
Application conditions of the ACTIVA® TG-TI transglutaminase combined with setting agents (gelatine and chitosans of various modifications) are substantiated for moulded food processing from waterlogged fish raw materials targeted by deep-water fishery, i.e. giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis). It was shown that combining different setting agents ensures time reduction of gel formation with a minor change in their development and melting temperatures. Adding an enzyme preparation leads to the formation of thermostable gels with a 1.5-fold increased strength. When forming gels from the grenadier muscle tissue in the presence of setting agents of different concentrations, the quality of soluble muscle proteins reduces, most prominently with gelatine and chitosan ascorbate. Physicochemical parameters of the structured gels prepared from the muscle tissue of giant grenadier (moisture retention capacity, tensile strength, water activity) and their organoleptic profiles were measured. Based on the results, we have shown that adding 3% of gela-tine, 0.06% of high-molecular chitosan and 1% of transglutaminase may be employed for processing moulded fish products. The digestibility of the protein components in obtained samples did not depend on fermentation. The overall protein deposition was between 0.38 and 0.56% of the sample mass. The total biological value of samples ranged from 78 to 134% when studying their effect on the growth of T. pyriformis testing culture.
Pivnenko T.N., Karpenko Y.V., Krashchenko V.V., Pozdnyakova Y.M., Esipenko R.V.
2020-05-02 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The composition of muscle tissues of a deep-sea species, the giant grenadier (Albatrossia pectoralis), and a mesopelagic species, the Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), are compared. Grenadier is proved to have a higher moisture content (91.7%) and lower protein (7.4%) and lipid (0.3%) contents. The factors responsible for the softening and moisture separation during processing of grenadier are identified. Contents of some fractions of non-protein nitrogenous components, including trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) and free amino acids, are clarified. The proportion of the main myofibrillar proteins myosin and actin, which is considered as an indicator of efficiency of structure formation in fish muscle tissue during processing, is almost 20% lower in giant grenadier than in pollock. The effects of endogenous protease, Ca2+-ATPase and transglutaminase on the processes of autolysis, denaturation, and possibility of myofibrillar proteins cross-linking were also studied. The proposed technology of getting a nutritionally balanced, gel-like, ready-to-use foodstuff from grenadier fillet includes its enrichment with pollock muscle tissue and supplementing with a binary structure-forming agent containing collagen and chitosan. Nutritional value of the products is assessed by the method of biological assay and by determining the denaturation changes of myofibrillar proteins. The modes of fine mincing and thermal processing, as well as the shelf-life of the finished product are justified. The developed technology of producing a ready-to-eat food from giant grenadier will allow a more efficient use of this underutilized resource.
Alexi N., Kogiannou D., Oikonomopoulou I., Kalogeropoulos N., Byrne D.V., Grigorakis K.
Food Chemistry scimago Q1 wos Q1
2019-12-01 citations by CoLab: 24 Abstract  
The nutritional and sensory quality of a fish fillet is subject to alterations depending on the culinary method used for preparation. The current study aimed to explore the effects of custom culinary preparation methods (steaming, oven-cooking, frying) on the fillet lipid and sensory quality of two important Mediterranean farmed fish species varying in their tissue fat content. These included, lean meagre and medium-fat gilthead seabream. The results indicated that culinary treatment effects on lipid quality differed among species, especially for frying. Frying created unique sensory profiles, whereas steam- and oven-cooking resulted in similar sensory profiles per species. The variable effects of culinary treatments on the lipid and sensory quality indicate that the choice of preparation method should be related to the fish species and its fat content.
Cankiriligil E.C., Berik N.
2018-07-27 citations by CoLab: 4
T N., W. Y A.
2018-03-19 citations by CoLab: 2
Bockus A.B., Seibel B.A.
2018-03-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is an organic osmolyte and universal protein stabilizer. Its role as a cytoprotectant is particularly important in ureosmotic elasmobranchs that accumulate high levels of urea, a macromolecular perturbant. Feeding is a key component in the turnover and maintenance of these nitrogenous compounds. However, previous studies examining TMAO regulation have been largely completed using starved individuals, when nitrogen balance is altered. Here, under fed conditions, we test the importance of dietary TMAO on long-term maintenance in three elasmobranch species with differing endogenous synthetic capacities. Smoothhounds (Mustelus canis), spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), and little skates (Leucoraja erinacea) exhibited species- and tissue-specific differences in their ability to conserve TMAO when fed a low TMAO diet for 56days. Smoothhounds, a species with the capacity for endogenous production, exhibited a decrease in muscle TMAO. Spiny dogfish and little skates, species with no reported ability for synthesis, exhibited decreases in plasma and liver TMAO, respectively. Our findings are contrary to previous starvation studies demonstrating constant levels of TMAO for up to 56days in elasmobranchs. Further, the previously reported synthetic capacity of these species did not correlate with their ability to conserve TMAO and cannot be used to predict a species reliance on dietary contributions for prolonged maintenance. It is possible that all species rely to a degree on absorption of TMAO from the diet or that alternate synthetic or regulatory pathways play a larger role than previously thought.
Lazo O., Guerrero L., Alexi N., Grigorakis K., Claret A., Pérez J.A., Bou R.
Food Research International scimago Q1 wos Q1
2017-10-01 citations by CoLab: 26 Abstract  
Aquaculture plays an important role in supplying the fresh fish. However its production is dominated by only few long-established species that in turn limit the variety of available products in the market. Therefore, new fish species need to be properly introduced to create a diversification in the current market. In order to achieve this goal, it is important to know, understand and characterize their quality features so they can be addressed to local and global markets. Sensory, compositional, instrumental texture parameters and somatic properties of five emerging fish species, namely wreckfish, greater amberjack, grey mullet, meagre, and pikeperch, were examined for characterization purposes. Sensory references were specifically developed for the training of the assessors, both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. Twenty two sensory descriptors were used for describing the samples. Several differences were observed among the measured parameters. Somatic measures revealed the filleting yield to be the most important of them. Regarding the compositional parameters, fat content was among the most relevant discriminating aspect between species, while hardness was among the most differentiating ones when dealing with texture. Greater amberjack was described with sour flavor, pikeperch was associated to an earthy flavor and grey mullet was characterized by bitter flavor. Sensory firmness was clearly distinctive for wreckfish, while meagre related to juicy texture. The analysis of the relationship between all parameters provided important correlations, especially those related to texture parameters, fat content, laminar structure and teeth adherence. The species in this study exhibited a wide range of physicochemical and sensory characteristics that show their potential for being further exploited when designing new products.
Di Marco P., Petochi T., Marino G., Priori A., Finoia M.G., Tomassetti P., Porrello S., Giorgi G., Lupi P., Bonelli A., Parisi G., Poli B.M.
Aquaculture scimago Q1 wos Q1
2017-03-01 citations by CoLab: 40 Abstract  
The organic farming of sea bass and sea bream was investigated in a commercial farm by assessing environmental impact, growth performance, fish welfare and product quality in a multidisciplinary approach. Organic and conventional juveniles were reared in four circular 3.800 m 3 floating sea cages at a maximum final stocking density of 15 kg/m 3 and fed on organic or conventional commercial feeds. Conventional farming was started simultaneously and monitored as the reference condition. Environmental and biological samplings were performed after 16 months at the first fish harvesting. No environmental impact was observed in the organic farming area, whereas a significant increase in total phosphorus concentration in the sediment and some changes in the structure and species composition of benthic assemblages were detected just beneath the conventional sea cages with no impact 25 m from the cages. Organic fish showed a better growth performance consistent with the lower feed conversion ratio and higher metabolic status, as evidenced from the protein and energy profiles, compared with conventional fish. No dietary influence on stress and immune response was observed. A higher incidence of fin splitting occurred, probably due to nutritional factors and/or to the larger size of organic fish. Similar good morphological, physical and sensory traits between organic and conventional fish were observed, as denoted by the high fillet yield, low flesh lipid content, long freshness and shelf life both in sea bream and in sea bass. Conversely, the fillet fatty acid composition was different, being poorer in n-3 PUFA and richer in linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6) in organic versus conventional fish, mirroring the fatty acid profile of the diet. The organic farming of sea bass and sea bream exhibited an overall good performance. Husbandry and feeding practices did not produce any evident environmental impact although long-period investigations covering several full production cycles are needed. Organic fish grew well, displayed an overall state of well-being and had good quality features despite a lower EPA and DHA content. Improvement of organic feed formulation and quality of feed ingredients emerge as important issues to be addressed to optimize the nutritional quality of organic sea bass and sea bream.
Listrat A., Lebret B., Louveau I., Astruc T., Bonnet M., Lefaucheur L., Picard B., Bugeon J.
2016-11-10 citations by CoLab: 508 PDF Abstract  
Skeletal muscle consists of several tissues, such as muscle fibers and connective and adipose tissues. This review aims to describe the features of these various muscle components and their relationships with the technological, nutritional, and sensory properties of meat/flesh from different livestock and fish species. Thus, the contractile and metabolic types, size and number of muscle fibers, the content, composition and distribution of the connective tissue, and the content and lipid composition of intramuscular fat play a role in the determination of meat/flesh appearance, color, tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and technological value. Interestingly, the biochemical and structural characteristics of muscle fibers, intramuscular connective tissue, and intramuscular fat appear to play independent role, which suggests that the properties of these various muscle components can be independently modulated by genetics or environmental factors to achieve production efficiency and improve meat/flesh quality.
2016-07-22 citations by CoLab: 2
Ormanci H.B., Colakoglu F.A.
Cogent Food & Agriculture scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2015-01-30 citations by CoLab: 12 PDF Abstract  
AbstractThe objective of this study was to determine nutritional and sensorial properties of lakerda, a traditional salted fish product, produced from Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda). From the point of nutritional characterization, chemical content and amino acid and fatty acid compositions of lakerda have been investigated. For determination of sensorial attribute, instrumental texture, instrumental color, and descriptive sensorial analyses were conducted. Chemical composition of lakerda was 52.22% water, 14.64% protein, 17.39% lipid, 15.14% ash. Protein of lakerda has a well-balanced amino acid composition, with high amounts of Glutamic acid + Glutamine (4.75 g/100 g), Aspartic acid + Asparagine (2.39 g/100 g), Leucine (1.51 g/100 g), and Valine (1.36 g/100 g). Thirty-two fatty acids were identified in lipid of lakerda, of which monounsaturated fatty acids were the highest proportion (40.91%). Oleic acid (C18:1) was dominant fatty acid followed by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6n−3) and palmitic acid (C16...
Cheng J., Sun D., Zeng X., Liu D.
2015-01-28 citations by CoLab: 126 Abstract  
The freshness quality of fish plays an important role in human health and the acceptance of consumers as well as in international fishery trade. Recently, with food safety becoming a critical issue of great concern in the world, determination and evaluation of fish freshness is much more significant in research and development. This review renovates and concentrates recent advances of evaluating methods for fish freshness as affected by preharvest and postharvest factors and highlights the determination methods for fish freshness including sensory evaluation, microbial inspection, chemical measurements of moisture content, volatile compounds, protein changes, lipid oxidation, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) decomposition (K value), physical measurements, and foreign material contamination detection. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and techniques are compared and discussed and some viewpoints about the current work and future trends are also presented.
Krashchenko V.V., Karpenko Y.V.
2014-12-30 citations by CoLab: 2
Devine J.A., Watling L., Cailliet G., Drazen J., Durán Muñoz P., Orlov A.M., Bezaury J.
Journal of Ichthyology scimago Q3 wos Q4
2012-12-15 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract  
The ability of six grenadier species from the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Southern Ocean to sustain deep-sea fisheries is assessed. These species are captured in high amounts as bycatch and a few are taken in targeted fisheries, yet population status for most is poorly known or known for only a small portion of their range. A productivity and susceptibility analysis showed that none of the species was highly productive, which was not unexpected given their life history characteristics. While grenadiers were ranked more vulnerable than species in the northeastern Pacific groundfish fisheries, none of the investigated species was ranked as highly susceptible or heavily exploited. This result exposed several weaknesses in the PSA technique and attribute scoring. Management actions and regulations are discussed, which, if employed, might make grenadier fisheries sustainable.
Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average coauthors
Publications years
2019-2021 (3 years)
Metrics description


Fields of science

General Medicine, 1, 33.33%
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 1, 33.33%
Food Science, 1, 33.33%
Oceanography, 1, 33.33%
Ocean Engineering, 1, 33.33%
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous), 1, 33.33%



Citing journals




Organizations from articles


Countries from articles

Russia, 3, 100%
Country not defined, 1, 33.33%

Citing organizations

Organization not defined, 2, 50%

Citing countries

Russia, 3, 75%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
Юлия Валериевна Карпенко, Виктория Владимировна Кращенко
RU2703179C1, 2019